How Much Does It Cost To Install A Garage Door


Garage is a safe place for multiple uses. Whether using it as an extra storage, a workshop or just using it to park your car safely. It can be used in any way. And all these purposes can be performed properly if you have a safe and good garage door installed for your garage.

Cost of installing a garage door can be different for various reasons. Such as location, quality and specifications.

Here I have done all my necessary research for you so you can get all your information on the cost of installing a garage door. So wait a while longer for I will tell you how much it actually does cost to install a garage door.

Cost of installing a garage door

According to the Forbes advisor, there are three estimates of the cost for garage door installation:

Maximum cost – $2,300

Minimum cost – $260

Typical cost- $1200

Apart from that another estimate can be made when you breakdown the cost of  installing a garage door:

Hinges – $100

Bolts – $100

Springs – $150

Lock – $250

Labor – $300

Opener – $375

Tracks – $400

If you don’t wanna go through all the calculations and manual labor, you can just hire and let them do  all the heavy lifting.

Factors influencing garage door installation cost

There are few existing factors which can influence the cost of your garage door installation. Let’s have a look at them.

Garage door size

Installation cost of garage doors will vary because of the size of the door. Although the size of garage doors follow a standard pricing, the cost of a similar sized door can change because of the doors materials. The most common sizes and average costs are:

  1. Single door (8 ft x 7 ft) – Approx. $400-$900
  2. Double door(16 ft x 7 ft) – Approx. $650-$3600

Door numbers

More doors will take away a few more $100 from you. The best option is installing a single garage door that has the width of a garage entrance. Any custom-made garage door happens to cost even more:

  1. One door – $600-$1,500
  2. Two door – $800-$3,500
  3. Custom made door – Over $1,000

 Types of garage door

The cost of a garage door mainly changes with the material and the way it works. Here I’ll take you to have a look at the costs of different types of doors.

  1. Sectional – These are the most commonly used garage doors. They’re set up horizontally and it’ll roll up to the garage ceiling when opening it. The cost of these doors starts at $700.
  2. Single panel – These doors are actually the cheapest. Its cost starts around $400.
  3. Swing out/ Sliding – These doors are expensive since they’re a bit on the uncommon side. They start around the price point of $1,000.
  4. Roll-up – Even though you might find the name suggesting the sectional one, these are actually different. They actually don’t roll up, rather they fold like a window blind. These start around $650, but the labor cost might come high.

Material of garage door

The difference in making material for a garage door can make a great difference on the cost. Let’s have a look.

  1. Metal – Among different metals, you’ll find steel doors cost somewhere between $450 to $1500. Aluminum doors will cost more, they are between $500-$2,000.
  2. Fiberglass and Vinyl – These doors are actually very low maintenance. The price starts from $800 to $2,000.
  3. Composite – These doors are a really good replacement to wooden doors. Their cost stands somewhere between $750 to $1600.
  4. Glass doors – These doors have a really beautiful appearance and light up your garage with natural lights. They cost the same or sometimes more than composite doors, why? It’s because they’re heavy and there’s no option for insulating the doors.
  5. Wood – They are the most common choice whenever a door is mentioned, because they look so gorgeous and can take a lot of abuse. The starting price would be $1000 for this kind of doors.


The mainstream designed doors start from $700 to $1,100. They might differ if customized, the expected cost may start from $1000 or more. Also, the cost will differ on what kind of garage door opener you install. Basic cost of installing a door opener starts from $350.

Parting words

Hopefully this information on how much does it cost to install a garage door has been useful for you. Do keep in mind that this is an estimate, the actual price can be higher or lower but it shouldn’t be far off this margin. Keep some extra cash in case of contingency.


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