How Long Does A Whole Home Renovation Take?


It’s not just the size of the project that determines how long a whole home renovation will take, but also factors like how much you can afford to spend on contractors if you have to move out for the full duration and the availability of skilled laborers. Generally speaking, an average-sized house can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to renovate, depending on these factors.

There are some renovations that could take as little as three months. It mostly depends on your budget and the contractor that you’ll be working with. That is why it’s imperative that you’re getting a reliable contractor such as Overall Renovation if the project is to go smoothly.

How Much Time Does A Whole Renovation Take?

The time it takes to renovate a home depends on the size and complexity of the project, as well as how much you’re willing to spend on contractors and laborers.

Even if you’re doing a modest-sized renovation, it can still take longer than that because it involves removing and putting up walls and making major structural changes, such as adding or removing floors.

If a home is particularly small, there’s a possibility that it can be finished even with limited skilled labor. But if the renovations are large, say an addition or a swimming pool, then you’ll need to hire specialized contractors and laborers.

Although many renovation projects take several years, in some cases, home renovations are finished within six months. Some of the reasons include whether you’re only remodeling a small part of your house or if you’re willing to move out, allowing workers to do the job in less time. If you’re about to renovate your home, it’s best to get a full time estimate from your contractor so you know exactly what to expect.

Will You Be Staying In The House?

A whole-home renovation can be done in 6 months if you’re willing to move out temporarily since you won’t have to worry about keeping your living space habitable while renovations are being done.

However, if you’re planning to stay put in your home, then it will take considerably longer. This is because you’ll need to live elsewhere while the renovation is in progress and supervise the work closely so that you can check up on any problems with your initial designs for your home.

What Are The Renovations To Be Done?

Of course, the amount of time and money you spend on renovations also depends on what needs to be done in order to achieve your desired results. It isn’t advisable to do a full home renovation without having a plan in place.

As with most things, renovating your house takes longer than you expect. This is especially true if the changes involve significant structural changes such as building additions or demolishing walls and floors since those require structural engineers and workers who know how to complete these kinds of renovations without causing too much damage.

How Big Should The Crew Be?

The number of people you’ll need to complete a whole home renovation depends on the size of your home and how complicated it is.

If you’re only doing minor updates, then it’s possible to get with DIY or hire a single contractor for the job. But if you’re upgrading your home, say adding an extra room or doing extensive remodeling, it’s easier to hire professional contractors.

Depending on the size of your project, you’ll need to hire painters, plumbers, electricians, builders, and carpenters. You’ll also need to hire interior decorators who know how to design your home with the right colors and style.


Not all demolition is created equal. If you’re tearing down a new construction house, you need to take extra precautions to protect your home and property from unwanted intrusion. Find out more about your city’s code and safety guidelines.


The basic idea is to frame everything first before putting in any drywall, insulation, windows, doors, etc. This ensures everything is sturdy and ready to go. It also allows you time to shop for windows and doors, so they match the style of your home and cause as little disruption as possible.


The final phase is probably the most fun because it’s all about you. The finishing of your project will also depend on what you’re working with. If you are working with old plaster or are not replacing your home’s existing facade, then you’ll need to do a little more research about what works best for your budget, timeline, and style.


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