How Can I Increase Lighting in My House?


How brightly lit your house is plays a role in how you spend your days. Natural or artificial, your home’s lighting will influence not only your mood but even your productivity.

If you’re not satisfied with the lights in your house, Lamps Lab talks about lighting and all the different types of light sources you can have for numerous purposes. On the other hand, you will also find a few tips here on how to increase lighting in your home.

Tips to Increase Light at Home

You will enjoy plenty of benefits by simply increasing the number of light sources in your home. The problem is, it can be tricky to determine how to achieve this. To help with that, here are some tips and tricks you can do:

1. Add Auxiliary Lights

The most obvious solution is to add auxiliary lights. These can either be desk lamps, standing lamps, or even strip lights you can place in different corners of your home.

Alternatively, you can also take on a bigger project and recalibrate your home’s electrical system. By adding pendant lamps, additional ceiling lights, and ambient lighting, your home will be brighter and more calming.

2. Replace Lights

In some cases, your home’s light sources are already strategically placed in spots where they are needed the most. If you still find your home a bit dull and dark, maybe the lights themselves are the problem.

Different lights have different wattages and power output, making some light bulbs brighter than others. On the other hand, some light sources simply tend to go darker as they get old. Replacing these light bulbs with LED corn bulbs with high wattages should do the trick.

3. Install Mirrors

Mirrors reflect light. Therefore, if you install a large mirror where it receives natural or artificial light, you can almost double the amount of light in that room.

As light bounces off the mirror, it is amplified and becomes a secondary light source. Hence, installing decorative wall mirrors or other reflective items in the right spots should help solve your problem.

4. Larger Windows

Sunlight is one of the best light sources you can take advantage of. It can dramatically lower your electric bill, and it doesn’t take much to allow it into your home. The best possible solution to this is to have larger windows.

Aside from allowing light to come in, larger windows can also significantly affect your mood and productivity. So, installing them is not just about making your home brighter but also about improving your well-being.

5. Wash Windows Regularly

Here’s one simple tip that a lot of homeowners seem to neglect. Did you know that dirty windows reduce the amount of light that gets into your home? Dirt is opaque, which means light can’t pass through it.

Sure, you can argue about how dirt is just a speck, and it shouldn’t affect your home’s lighting. The truth is, as dirt multiplies, it tends to block more sunlight. To prevent this from happening, you must regularly wash and clean your windows inside and out.

6. Trim Trees

Trees offer shade, among many other things. The problem is, if they are near your windows, their branches most probably block sunlight from coming in.

In that case, it would be best to trim the trees surrounding your house to increase your home’s lighting. Not only that, but it will also mean fewer chances of leaves clogging your rain gutters.

7. Skylight

A skylight is a window or any light-transmitting structure often made out of glass or any other transparent material. It allows sunlight to get into your house while still protecting you and your home from the elements.

Skylights come in a wide array of configurations and sizes. However, you will find that they are pretty tricky to install. That’s why it’s best to hire a professional to ensure it’s done correctly. Otherwise, it might cause leaks during heavy rains.

Another great advantage of having a skylight is that you can see the night sky through a portion of your roof. Just be sure you clean them regularly too.

8. Solar Tubes

Here’s another genius solution to increase your home’s lighting: solar tubes. The top of this fixture is a transparent dome that collects sunlight from your roof. It’s connected to a pipe that reflects the sunlight and directs it downward. On the other end of the tube is a circular glass exit where the sunlight escapes to illuminate the room.

To Brighter Days Ahead!

Your house should be designed in such a way that it improves your entire well-being. While there are hundreds of ways to achieve that, increasing your home’s lighting is among the easiest ones.

With a brightly illuminated house, it would be easier to get up in the morning and go about your day. With the tips we listed, there’s no reason why you can’t have a brighter and more vibrant home.

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