How can a homeowner recognize when a roof system has problems?


Your roof protects your home, but its exposure to the elements and animals can cause wear and tear over time. Homeowners want to know what signs to look out for and how often to check for them. Here are some signs that you need to call a roofer right away.

Water Spots

Look up at your ceiling and go into your attic to check for orange or brown stains. These are water marks that occur when your roof is leaking after rain or from melted snow. If your roof was improperly installed, then you will need a licensed and insured roofer who will conduct a thorough inspection, determine where the water is coming from (as in, what the vulnerable points are anywhere in the system), and then patch that area up to prevent mold.

Lack of Ventilation

A lack of ventilation can trap hot air in your attic, which causes your air conditioner to work much harder. If you notice that there is a discernible temperature increase when you walk up to the second story of your house, as well as any thermal cracking or blistering on your shingles, or water spots as described above, then you may not have enough vents.

Missing or Broken Tiles or Shingles

Go outside of your home and look at your roof. If you notice any broken shingles, missing shingles, or any warping, call a roofer right away to get those replaced. Your shingles could be leaking, which could lead to mold, tiny critters getting into your house, and costly roof repairs.

Gutter Problems

You may not think about how your roof affects your home’s foundation or basement, considering that they are on opposite ends of your house. But your gutters prevent water damage to your home’s foundation by running water away from your house.

If you start noticing roof granules falling off your shingles, debris filling your gutters, or gutters that are failing, then you must call a roofer right away. After a storm, you can also check if your gutters are draining slowly or if there are an insufficient number of downspouts since these issues can lead to rot.

Problems With The Flashing

Roof flashing is made of galvanized steel and is usually installed on areas of your roof that are prone to leaking at the joints near skylights, vents, or chimneys. When it isn’t properly installed, then you can experience leaks in your home. Flashing issues can also occur due to wear and tear from exposure to the elements.

How can a homeowner maintain their roof on a regular basis?

Minor issues that are not addressed can turn into major issues within a few months (if there is a bad winter, for example) or a year or two. This is a common question homeowners have, and Maryland-based Roofing By Elite has a helpful tip for you: schedule regular maintenance at least once a year, preferably in the spring or fall before the stormy summer season or the wet winters. This will include a visual inspection of the roof and exterior of the home. Whoever you bring onto your property should inspect the following vulnerable areas:

  • Pipe boots
  • The attic
  • Caulking and flashings
  • Your chimney
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