Home-Selling Checklist: 8 No-Fuss Ways to Prepare Your Property for Sale


Finding a buyer for your house in Central Coast requires more than just luck. You need not only spruce up your property but also sever your emotional attachments to the space you once called home. Here’s a handy no-fuss checklist you can use as a guide when prepping up for sale:

Declutter Your Home

In the process of decluttering, you’ll find that it’s more than just about freeing your space from the mess. Especially if you’re still undecided about selling your property, rummaging through the junk and going over the knick-knacks will give you time to weigh your options and help you make a solid, informed decision.    

Study the Local Housing Market 

Once you’re sure about putting your house for sale, your first real homework is researching the local housing market. Check how properties in your neighbourhood compare to your home in terms of features, square footage, and size. This will give you an estimate of your property’s market value, which is crucial in the next item in this checklist.

Carry Out the Mandatory Repairs

Before you list your house on the market, you want to make sure its condition. This is when you call a handyman or your trusted plumber in Central Coast to fix the damages on your systems.  

Boost Your House’s Curb Appeal

Touch-ups can do wonders in making a good impression to your potential buyers. Start with a deep cleaning to get rid of foul smells and dirty surfaces that could turn off your prospects. To boost your home’s appeal, consider repainting the walls and sticking to neutral colours, such as whites, greys, and beiges. 

Find a Listing Agent 

Whilst you can rely on your Facebook listing or word-of-mouth recommendations to do the trick for you, hiring a top real estate agent in Cincinnati OH is highly recommended in this case. For one, these professionals know the local market like the back of their hands. Additionally, you can take advantage of their extensive connections in the real estate industry to find buyers who are willing to pull out their cheque books in no time. 

Aside from listing agents, sometimes, you can get ideas from a plumber in Central Coast as they have been from houses to houses in the locality. Sometimes, they know what to recommend to you.

Depersonalise Your Home

It’s hard to disassociate from your house, especially if you’ve lived there for years. To help sever your emotional attachment from that property, depersonalise it by putting away your framed photos and other personal items. Ridding your walls of these trinkets also helps your potential buyers imagine what their life could be in your house. 

Rent a Storage Unit

Now that you’ve gathered your personal items, it’s time to keep them in a storage unit whilst you work on staging your home and preparing for your move. When renting a storage unit, pick a place that’s near you so you won’t have a hard time travelling when you need to go back and forth to pick up or drop off your belongings. 

Stage the Home

When staging your home, focus on sprucing up your facade and landscape. Potential buyers spend a lot of time viewing properties from the outside, so you want to create a great lasting impression by boosting your exterior’s curb appeal. 

As a final word, it’s also a good idea to hire a professional photographer to ensure that the photos on your listing will do justice to your house. Photos are a great marketing tool that can win over a buyer’s heart even before they see your space in person. Just follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to closing a good deal.

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