From Classic to Contemporary: Here’s How Weatherboard Cladding Suits Every Home Style


Back then, homeowners would purchase weatherboard cladding simply for thermal insulation and weather protection purposes. However, times have changed, and weatherboard cladding is now a form of a visual statement from homeowners.

If we look back at the classic weatherboard claddings, we realize that they were restricted to brick types and horizontal layouts. But we live in the modern UK now, so it’s time for a contemporary makeover.

These days, we’ve been introduced to new forms of weatherboards for a more modern look. These include the use of fibre cement, aluminium, metal, stone, timber, glass board and so on. But the question now is, can you really fit weatherboard cladding into any setting?

Weatherboard Cladding for a Better-Looking Home

While various forms of weatherboards exist, there are also various types of homes. At the same time, different homeowners have different styles and function needs. That makes weatherboard compatibility look like a tough task.

However, there are various ways to implement cladding into your home settings. In the UK now, weatherboard cladding has gone beyond layering the outside walls of the house. Now, there’s a weatherboard for every kitchen, living room, entertainment area, bedroom, bathroom, or even game room.

How Can I Take My Home from Classic to Bright and Contemporary?

So now that you’re aware of the new wave of weatherboard cladding designs, it’s time to adopt the best patterns. Here, we talk about the different ways you can style weatherboards to achieve a look that blends with the current times.

Vertical Cladding Is the New King of Styles

Firstly, let’s talk about the new method of installing weatherboards. Previously, weatherboards were fixed horizontally, and while these, in their way, were visually appealing, the new methods have seen people go for a vertical design.

And you’re probably wondering if this change makes any difference. Well, think about a home located in an estate surrounded by vegetation. You come across a home that’s surrounded by trees; what happens when you look at the weatherboard and it’s vertically installed?

It’s simple; the vertical orientation directs your focus upwards to the green scenery around and above the property. In other words, the vertical weatherboard cladding is a portal to soaking in nature’s goodness. At the same time, the home is viewed as a part of the beautiful scenery and its visual appeal is boosted.

Mix n’ Match Makes Your Home a Good Catch

Another way to turn your home into a modern den of beauty is to adopt the mix-and-match design method. When we visit homes around the UK, we discover that homeowners are starting to cut off excess design patterns. Instead, they’re going for simpler and cleaner looks with minimalist designs.

So, how do you achieve a great look without looking cluttered and excessive? That’s where mixing weatherboards comes in.

For instance, you can combine stone cladding patterns with timber. It’s a stunning look that not only gives a bold visual statement but also maintains a clean look for your home. Another idea is to mix glass with metal cladding to give your home a different, unique, and intriguing outlook.


The uses of weatherboard cladding have gone beyond weather protection and thermal insulation. Weatherboards are now the centre of home designs, both interior and exterior. And now it’s up to you to decide to flow with the trend.


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