Fish: benefits and harms for the body


Fish is one of the most useful and easily digestible foods. Let’s find out what vitamins it is rich in, and in what cases it can be harmful.

Nowadays, more and more people prefer fish, which is the most useful and easy food. It has a pleasant taste as well as an undoubted benefit to human health. Make on order

Types of fish

There is a huge range of different types of fish on store shelves, so there is no need to think about where to get high-quality and tasty filets.

Fish can be divided into freshwater that lives in the freshwater of rivers and ponds, and marine fish that lives in the salt water of seas and oceans. And some species of fish change their place of “residence”, going to the sea to spawn and vice versa, or can live both in a river and a lake.

Habitat, age and size of the fish affects its fat content, the amount of useful minerals and vitamins, and meat quality.

The benefits of fish

The benefits of fish for the human body are invaluable. It is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are the building material for the brain cells and also help to reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood. The consumption of fish helps in the normalization of the thyroid gland – all because of the high content of iodine.

The presence of trace elements in the fish helps to adjust the metabolism of the human body.

The high content of vitamins A, B, E, D puts fish above animal meat.

Benefits of fish for women

The presence of calcium, iron, fatty acids in fish is of great benefit for the normal functioning of the pelvic organs in women. Regular consumption of fish dishes has a positive effect on the quality of nails, hair, bones and teeth. It is useful to eat fish and pregnant women.

The question of weight normalization is very important for many women. Fish is an excellent option for tasty, healthy and dietary meals. It does not contribute to weight gain, so it is often recommended to lose weight.

The benefits of fish for men

Since, according to statistics, men are more often affected by cardiovascular disease, the presence of fish in their diet should be a must. Its use allows to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes, promotes the purification of blood vessels, as well as a general positive effect on the circulatory system.

One more reason to include in the men’s diet dishes made of fish is the prevention of prostatitis and prostate cancer.

The benefits of fish for children

To nourish the child’s body with useful substances, it is enough to add fish to the diet two or three times a week. Its regular consumption allows you to strengthen vision, improve memory and concentration.

The harm of fish

Fish is an exceptional product in every sense, but its consumption in some cases can cause harm to the body.

For example, not well cooked or fried freshwater fish can be a source of parasites and cause irreparable harm to human health. It is always recommended to cook sea fish without the head, because it concentrates harmful substances in the water.

Eating poisonous fish should be taken very seriously. In Japan, for example, fugu fish is popular. There are always those who want to tickle their nerves and eat the meat of this unusual and dangerous species. However, you should know that if you cut this fish wrong, its poison can enter the human body and cause death within minutes.

As for children, it is not recommended to give them saturated fish broths or fatty fish filets until the age of three, as well as feed them with smoked fish.

How to choose and store fish

  • It is necessary to remember a few nuances when choosing fish:
  • The color of the carcass should not have a greenish or yellowish hue.
  • The eyes should not be cloudy, it may indicate a violation of the storage period.
  • The body should not have spots and unusual bruises, so it is possible that the fish was subjected to repeated freezing.
  • Since fish is perishable, do not keep it fresh for a long time. Keep it in the refrigerator and try to cook it as quickly as possible. Frozen fish can be stored in the freezer for up to 10 months.

Opinion of experts

Recent studies have proven that foods rich in omega-3 are considered some of the best natural antidepressants. A mandatory part of the menu should be fats – saturated and unsaturated. For example, a small piece of saltwater fish has the daily norm of essential fatty acids. Fish should be included in your daily diet in combination with vegetables and greens to restore microflora and normalize digestion.

In terms of vitamin D content, oily fish are the best. Salmon, for example, contains more than 500 IU (international units) of this micronutrient, which, in turn, is 60% of the daily requirement. Cod liver also holds the record for calciferol content. A simple, but nutritious and tasty salad of this product with the addition of eggs (the yolks of which also contain some vitamin D) and fresh green onions can be a wonderful snack or a complete dinner. Choose low-fat varieties of sea or river fish: cod, haddock, halibut, pike-perch, sea bass. The energy value of the meat of these kinds of fish does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 grams of product.

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