Finding a Home for Your Mirror: Your Guide to Placement Perfection


Whether you’ve just purchased a new mirror, you’re on the hunt for a new one, or you’re looking for a new home for one you’ve had for years, there are a number of things to think about when finding the right home in your home for a mirror. Being both functional and versatile, a mirror can enhance features of your home, create a sense of openness and change the look and feel of any room they are in – all while serving their main purpose of showing you how good you look.

While this versatility makes mirrors one of the best design accessory options for your home, it can make knowing where your mirror is going to go a little tricky – but the experts at Luxe Mirrors have some tips on key things to think about when finding the right home for your mirror.

Did you buy your mirror for a purpose?

As we mentioned before, mirrors are both functional and versatile in your home, they can be used to add to your décor, or simply be used with a practical purpose in mind. If you purchased yours because you need it for functional reasons, such as applying makeup and grooming, you may have a room and space in mind already – like the bathroom or bedroom – where you only really need to think about the lighting and how well you can actually see in the mirror.

However, if you’ve found a piece you just had to have, and haven’t gotten so far as to think about where it will possibly go – don’t worry, have a think about whether you do need it for any practical purposes, or if you want to use it as a decorative piece. And remember, there is no reason it can’t be both!

Choosing the Right Room

There isn’t a room your home that cannot be boosted by the addition of a mirror but let us help you out with some of the best rooms to consider and why:

The Living Room

A mirror in a living room can serve a number of purposes, besides providing an extra place to check your reflection, they can be used in place of artwork, or even mixed into a gallery wall feature amongst pictures and photos. They are also great at capturing and enhancing architectural design elements of your home – if your living room has a fireplace or mantelpiece, the way a mirror can capture the warmth and glow of this will provide a true home feeling in your living room. Probably the best thing a mirror can do in this room though, is create a feeling of openness by capturing the natural light. Depending on the placement, a mirror in this space can often act as an additional window and make the room brighter and appear larger and more spacious.

The Dining Room

Sometimes overlooked as a home for a mirror, the dining room often has a positive energy surrounding it that can be accentuated by the addition of a mirror. Mirrors in this space capture the warmth that comes with people gathering together for meals. If you have consoles or a buffet in this space, a mirror above is a great way to bring a look together. The only thing to be careful about in this space is making sure the mirror won’t reflect your diners when they are seated at the table, watching yourself eat can be a bit of a distraction.

The Bedroom

The bedroom can be a popular optional, particularly for a mirror that is serving a practical purpose. Full length mirrors work well, often being hung on the back of doors, or if the space allows hanging on a wall or free-standing. The best thing to keep in mind when adding a mirror to this space is what it might be reflecting – any stray lights that might be enhanced by the mirror can be annoying, especially if you are a light sleeper.

Hallways & Entryways

A mirror in any of these spaces can be both a great decorative and functional addition. If your bedroom or bathroom can’t accommodate a full-length mirror, a hallway can be a great place to hang one, a mirror can also make a dark and narrow hallway appear less so when placed in the right spot.

A mirror in an entryway can be both welcoming and practical – where it can open up a space, and depending on the design, give a preview of the design aesthetic you have chosen for your home – it also doubles as a great place to do one last check on your way out the door.

I’ve Chosen a Room, What Next?

Now that you may have an idea of where your mirror might go, there are a couple more things to keep in mind. Let’s break them down.

Mirror Sizes & Shapes

Whether you’ve already purchased one, or you’re looking, the actual size and shape of your mirror is important. A mirror that is too big can overwhelm a space and potentially enhance unsightly areas by reflecting them, and a mirror that is too small might look out of place on a large empty wall. If you have a mirror that is too small, this can be easily overcome, consider grouping it with other mirrors or adding other pieces, like photos and prints around it.

In addition to the size, the actual shape of the mirror should be taken into consideration as this can change the whole look and feel of a space. The shape of a mirror can be used to accentuate or soften particular design elements, for example, a round mirror can add a soft, inviting touch to a room with angular, square features, or it can enhance the softness of a room with curved windows.

Placement Height and Reflection

The purpose of your mirror plays an important part in the placement height. If you are using the mirror purely in a functional way, depending on the size, having 30cm of mirror, above and below, eye height is a great way to make sure the mirror will be practical for you and most other people who will use it. If the functionality is somewhat less important, or you’re placing a mirror above furniture, if possible, leave a gap between the top of the furniture and the bottom of the mirror. The size of the gap can vary, depending on the overall size of your mirror and height of your furniture, but a gap of around 20cm is a good place to start.


What can you see in the mirror? It is easy to be distracted by your own reflection, but when you have a space in mind, make sure you take a step back and look at what you can really see when you look in the mirror. Avoid spaces that may have clutter, or things that you don’t necessarily enjoy looking at because the last thing you want is to have to see it twice.

Take your time

Finding the right spot for your mirror shouldn’t be rushed. Don’t expect to get it right the first time. Depending on the mirror type you have, consider leaving it in a space for a few days, whether leaning it or temporarily hanging it, this way you can see whether you actually like it there, or if there isn’t something you haven’t noticed. And if you can’t temporarily hang it, you can always cut out some paper in the shape and size of the mirror and put that somewhere, it might not show the reflection, but it will give you an idea of what it feels like to have something in a particular spot. The most important thing is to not feel rushed – you will find the right home for your mirror!

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