Faucet Water Filter vs Water Filter Pitcher


Water is one of the essentials in life. We need it to drink, to wash and to cook, and we tend to take it for granted! Turn on the faucet, and we have water hot or cold! Where does it come from? Have you ever taken the time to consider that? The water in the USA comes from a variety of sources. These can be rivers, lakes or groundwater sources. This water is directed into treatment plants where it is treated to be as pure and safe as it can, and from where it is channelled to homes and businesses across the land. 

How safe is our drinking water? It’s a fact that the USA offers among the best water quality in the world, thanks to advanced treatment processes and an abundance of natural water supplies. Therefore, wherever you are in the United States, you can expect the water from your faucet to be safe to drink unless specifically advised otherwise and for all other uses. 

However, many people still like to add an extra stage of purification themselves; call it personal quality control! In doing so by using a form of home water purifier they gain the added peace of mind that their water has been filtered to a greater degree than if it were straight from the pipes. We are going to look at two different types of home water filter: the faucet water filter, and the water filter pitcher. Let’s have a closer look at each of them.

What is a Water Filter Pitcher?


For many people, the pitcher with a built-in water filter is the most convenient option. This is basically a pitcher, which you fill with water as usual from the faucet. In the pitcher is a filter. Usually, this includes various materials, carbon is generally involved as it is an excellent filtration medium, and the water passes through the filter as it is poured.

These devices are useful and popular, but are they effective? The answer is yes, they are, as they can remove a large number of potential contaminants from your water, which may have been missed at the treatment plant.

Using one of these does, however, involve the necessity of pouring water from faucet to pitcher, then from pitcher to glass or wherever the purified water is to be used. This is no great hardship, but wouldn’t it be more efficient to cut out the middleman, and have clean, extra-pure water directly from the faucet? That’s what faucet water filters do, so let’s have a closer look at those.

How a Faucet Water Filter Works

What is a filter removing from your water? Although the water has been filtered thoroughly at the treatment plant, it then has to pass through a series of pipes to get to your home. Those pipes may contain debris perhaps rust or sand that the water carries with it. Although not particularly harmful, these are not things you want in your drinking water! A faucet water filter is a great way of getting rid of these elements, and in fact, some of the more sophisticated filters can deal with as many as 70 contaminants that could be in your water supply!

We’re not trying to scare you here, as we said most are not harmful if unwelcome, simply showing you why many people choose to use water filters of one kind or another. There is some great advice and further information on using faucet water filters if you click that link, and it will help you see why you might want to install a faucet water filter.

There are several reasons why these are chosen over pitcher water filters; first, they go before the faucet, so that all the water is filtered before you get it. They are easy to fit and are highly efficient, and they come with different capacities and flow speeds, to suit you when you need. Also, as the filters are consumable items – they will need replacing every now and then the best examples have a switch whereby you can by-pass the filter for, for example, water for watering plants, washing the car and so on. This means you get a longer life out of your filter, and greater cost-effectiveness overall.

Choosing Your Faucet Water Filter

As there are many different types and brands of faucet water filter to choose from, we recommend you look into them in more detail before you buy. We found a great resource that lists some of the best, complete with details and pros and cons, at Eole Water who are a leading name in the water filter world.

Have a look at the various options, and you’ll soon find one that is suitable for your system, and you can enjoy ultra-purified water every time you need it!

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