Expecting A Newborn? The Essentials For Your Home


Congratulations to the mom-to-be! We know how thrilling yet exhausting being pregnant can be, but nothing is more exciting than having this small addition to the family. It is a wonderful feeling to have someone growing inside of you for nine months. However, when your baby comes to the real world, you want to offer them all the comfort they need. You want to make them feel as secure as they feel now in your womb.

Nothing could make your baby more pleased and content than your love, but there are additional things you can get that will help you take care of them. In this article, we will introduce you to some important baby essentials you should get.

Sleeping Essentials

To guarantee your baby’s comfort and safety, you shouldn’t have them sleep in the same bed as you. Instead, put them to sleep in a crib, bassinet, or a DockATot. Doctors argue that it is dangerous to let newborns sleep in the same bed with the mother as this may cause SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The only case your baby can sleep on the same bed with you is while being in a DockATot; as long as they cannot flip over, they should be safe in it. You could get it online preferably after reading a DockATot review, to ensure that it’s suitable for both of you. Your baby can sleep in it from day one until they reach 4 or 6 months.

Feeding Essentials

Make sure you get loads of bibs and burp cloths as most newborns tend to have reflux; you wouldn’t want to change your baby’s clothes every time they need to feed. You should also get a nursing pillow, nursing bras, a breast pump, bottles and bottle brushes; lose the breast pump and the nursing bra if you will use formula. Nursing pillows are comfortable for the mother while nursing her little one or when she’s giving the formula as they help her sit in the correct posture. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable breastfeeding while you’re out, make sure you get a nursing cover. If you want to learn about breastfeeding, then you can check lovemajka.com.

Clothing Essentials

Clothing Essentials

What your newborn is going to wear depends on many things like gender, season and their birth weight. Most moms tend to buy girl and boy onesies, yet they might not fit a large baby whose weight is 4.5 kg or more. That’s why you should get a few of everything until you figure out exactly what you need. You will need undershirts, onesies, pants, scratch mittens, and hats. Add blankets, socks and jackets if your baby will be born in winter. There are many clothing brands for babies where you can find sets of all the essential items. You should also get a swaddle blanket to help them sleep.


In the beginning, it’s better to get just 2 packs of newborn diapers as you can’t be certain of how fast your baby will grow. Also, you want to avoid diaper rash, so make sure you get a zinc-based diaper cream. You will also need water wipes to clean the diaper area before changing. Some moms prefer to have a diaper pail in the nursery to avoid the stinky smell.

Shower Time

When you give your baby a bath, there are a few things that should be in your bathroom. You can either get a plastic infant tub or take the baby to the bath with you. You should also get baby shampoo and shower gel along with cotton washcloths and soft towels for the baby’s sensitive skin.


The following items are not exactly necessary, but they will help you to get through the newborn stage. You can also find great baby gifts Australia and other options to find just the right items.  A changing table will facilitate diaper change time as your baby will lie comfortably and you will find it easy to change their diaper. A baby monitor is also handy, especially if you live in a large house or the baby’s room is on a different floor. When babies get fussy, a bouncer or a rocking chair would be an ideal solution to calm them down. You also want to invest in pacifiers; they are a mother’s best friends. Moms find strollers great to move around with their babies wherever they go. Also, if you have a car, you should get a car seat to guarantee the safety of your little one. It also turns out to be an amazing bed for babies while on the road.

Carrying your child inside of you is such a bliss, but holding them in your arms is the real happiness. Therefore, as a mom, you want to afford all the possible means to protect your baby and make them feel comfortable and cozy. The things your baby needs can be a little overwhelming, that’s why we listed them above for you to help you organize your thoughts and start your shopping journey.

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