Everything You Need to Know about Smart Garage Door Openers


Technological advancements offer more and more solutions that can make your daily life much easier. Some of the most important inventions relate to the way you lead your home life. Obviously, many procedures and industries apply automated solutions that make your life more convenient, but you may not be aware of them all. Nevertheless, the ones that apply to your home are significant and tangible.

Take a look at your garage doors. Though unassuming, they open and close about 1,500 times a year. That’s a lot, and the old school way would be to do it manually every time. Fortunately, that’s not the case anymore! Smart garage door openers are a great extension of the entire smart home idea, and they enable you to automate a very mundane routine. In this article, you’ll get to know useful information about the ever so popular smart garage door opener systems. Without any further ado, let’s jump right into it!

What Is a Smart Garage Door Opener?

Smart garage door openers are useful electronic devices that work via a WiFi connection and a smartphone app and allow you to remotely open and close your garage door. Experts from A1 Garage Door Services emphasize the difference between smart garage door opener systems and add-on accessories, which work in tandem with a motorized garage door opener system you have already installed. Meanwhile, smart garage door opener systems replace that motorized part completely, enhancing your smart home’s performance and offering additional benefits and features.


Installing a smart garage door opener system is definitely a great idea. However, before you purchase anything, make sure the controller you want to buy is compatible with your garage door. If they’re motorized already, you shouldn’t have any issues with installation; just check whether a certain system is compatible with the model of your door. Such information should be listed on a manufacturer’s website.

Adding to that, you should ensure that your WiFi range covers the area of your garage. Without a stable internet connection, the system won’t work.

Benefits of Installing a Smart Garage Door Opener

Undoubtedly, getting a smart garage door opener is a great investment. The list of benefits following its installation includes, but is not limited to:

  • Automatic opening and closing. This one’s a no-brainer, but having your garage door open and close remotely, without lifting a finger, is extremely comfortable.
  • Improved security. Your garage is often the weakest link in your house security. A smart garage door opener is difficult to crack, and the app will notify you about possible entry attempts made by unauthorized people.
  • With a smart garage door opener, you can easily control who has access to your garage and home. You can also see when your garage door opens and closes. This way, you can always keep an eye on your garage door, even when you’re not at home.
  • Peace of mind. If you’re a forgetful person or you worry about the safety of your home, the thought of leaving your garage door open may haunt your thoughts during the day. However, just a quick look at the app can verify if that’s the case. Problem solved!

The Cost

Depending on the model and the number of additional features, you can make an affordable purchase or spend relatively quite a lot of money. The most expensive openers cost more than $100. However, you can buy a simple yet reliable smart garage door opener under $40.

Useful Features

Smart garage door openers provide you with a range of practical features, such as:

  • Control options. Generally, you’ll be able to control your smart garage door opener via a dedicated app. However, some models enable you to activate them with voice control software, such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant.
  • Car sensors. They’ll use a Bluetooth device or your phone’s GPS to detect whether your car is nearby and open up quickly upon your arrival.
  • Door sensors. These will notify you every time your garage door opens or closes.
  • Video Cameras. Some models are equipped with built-in cameras, providing you with better visibility inside and outside of your garage.
  • Android and iOS apps. Almost all smart garage door openers operate via an app through which you can manage your door.

Are Smart Garage Door Openers Safe?

The main goal of smart garage door openers is to improve the safety of your home. After all, you’ll know when the door opens and closes, and who has access to it. Of course, there’s a possibility that your network gets hacked by someone who wants to compromise your smart devices. However, it’s a preventable and not a very common occurrence, and the app should notify you whenever an unauthorized person tries to gain access to your garage.

The Bottom Line

Without a doubt, choosing the best smart garage door opener can be quite challenging. With so many models and types available on the market, as well as numerous features offered by different manufacturers, adopting a “one product fits all” approach may not be the most reasonable strategy. After all, you should choose the exact smart garage door opener system that’s going to fit all your needs. As such, you need to know what your priorities are. It would be best if you also set up a budget beforehand.  Check a better built door and find trusted garage door services that you can anytime avail online.

Nevertheless, we’re sure you can make an informed decision. With a bit of time, research, and effort, you’ll be satisfied with your purchase. Ultimately, if you can make your life easier so quickly, why not open up for smart solutions like this one?

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