Effective Techniques To Stop A Concrete Floor From Being Slippery


Before you decide to may a concrete floor it’s a good idea to think about what the area will be used for and how slippery the concrete will be. When concrete is laid smooth it will often end up slippery which can be a serious issue.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent this from being an issue.

An Epoxy Coating

One of the best options is to add epoxy floor coatings to your design. In essence, this must be applied to concrete that has already been set, which means it can be used with new concrete floors and ones that have been in existence for years. The base will need to be clean and dust-free before the epoxy is added. It’s a mixture of resin and hardener.

Once it has been painted onto the concrete and dried it forms a waterproof and durable seal. In fact, epoxy flooring is strong enough to handle tools and saucepans being dropped onto it without cracking. This will even smooth out the concrete and help it to last much longer. Of course, epoxy floor coatings are already non-slip, avoiding the risk of injury from falling.

Rock Salt

This technique is only possible if you are laying a new concrete floor. All you have to do is take some rock salt and sprinkle it across the top of your concrete after you have laid it. Smooth the concrete again and you’ll have a non-slip finish. It also looks good!


Another option is to purchase a dedicated non-slip sealer. There are plenty available in your hardware store. This can be applied to the top of the concrete and effectively seals the concrete. The compound has non-slip components to ensure the risk of slipping is dramatically reduced.

Hydrochloric Acid

This is powerful stuff so if you choose to use it make sure you wear goggles and gloves. Hydrochloric acid will eat into your concrete. By spraying your existing concrete with this acid you will erode the top layer of concrete and expose parts of the sand mix. You can also acid stain your business concrete floors to make them glossy and shiny.

The result is a roughened surface that can look stylish and is certainly non-slip. That’s just as well because it hurts a lot more to fall on roughened concrete.

You can also use muriatic acid to get the same effect.

Paint It

Painting it gives the floor a coat. You can choose a nonslip paint or you can add a little sand to your paint. This gives the floor texture and grip, making it much less slippery. You will need to prime the surface before you paint it. However, the good news is that you can paint it in almost any colour you can think of.

That makes it an attractive option for many homes but it is less durable than many of the other methods listed.

Your final decision will depend on whether you have already laid the concrete, the budget you have available, and which option you prefer.


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