Custom pool in your backyard


You have extra space in your backyard, but you don’t really know what to do with it. You are just tired of seeing that empty, unused area just wasting away. Well, there is a scratch for that itch in the shape of a custom pool.

It might sound like an impossible task at first but actually with a little research and some help from a professional pool contractor you can easily make a beautiful custom pool just outside your house and have a perfect resting place for the whole summer.

Building a pool now has extra value because of the current situation and the risk of travel. So Cal Custom Pools and Spas introduced me to things I need to consider before venturing further, and here’s what I learned:

Check Your Budget

First and foremost it is important to be realistic and make sure to get the best value for the money you are willing to invest. Building a custom pool is not the cheapest thing in the world and it is important to put all possible expenses on paper and go from there. This is where professional help might come in handy.

You need to consider the size, materials, electricity, etc. but you are not done with only the costs of building, there’s also regular maintenance that needs to be accounted for. The bigger the pool, the more money it would take to keep it fresh and clean. When you have determined the budget you can proceed.

Size and Functionality

You can think about size and functionality at the same time you try to create a budget. First you need to consider the size of your backyard and how much space can be actually used for a proper pool. Think about what you would like to do in the pool, are you a swimmer?

Maybe you just want to dip in and relax, are you going solo, or you plan to invite some friends over? There are various questions you need to answer before going forth because it is crucial to leave as little room for surprises as possible. Your pool contractor in New Orleans can help you choose the right size pool.

Materials and Aesthetics

Now that you know how much money you want to spend and what size fits best it’s time to choose the material. Do you want your pool to aesthetically fit the rest of your property or maybe you want something completely different? Are you into custom designs no matter want or something premade will suffice? Generally there are three different materials on the market used for custom pools.

Fiberglass pool option offers a number of shapes to choose from but don’t expect too much in terms of customization. It is made of both solid and flexible materials. People find this material pretty convenient as it is not too expensive and the installation process does not take forever, which is great if you don’t want to be too crazy with how the pool should look like.

Concrete is for those who want to let their imagination loose and make something truly unique. If you are willing to give it more time and work to install then concrete is a good option. It also needs to be built carefully due to the risk of leaks. This is also the most expensive option, but then again, it depends on how far you want to go and how custom you want it to be.

The most affordable are vinyl pools that you basically order premade and then can simply install. They are not too expensive but the downside is that you are not able to customize, and they are also smaller in size, and perfect for a more budget option and a smaller backyard.


As with anything you want to build there’s paperwork to be done. Ask help from professionals to learn which permits you need. There is also excavation and rough grading to be done before you can begin the construction. Even though the process may not be as enjoyable and thrilling, the end result will certainly be.

Once you are ready to make a decision, contact a pool building and remodeling company and start enjoying your backyard to the fullest. Especially now, with the summer heats fast approaching.

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