Common Mistakes to Prevent When Choosing Basement Waterproofing Products


Your basement is an integral part of your home. It is multi-purpose in its uses by being a storage room, home gym, arts, and crafts corner, and so much more. It is, therefore, mandatory that you keep it in pristine condition.

But, many people make haste and neglect this essential part of the house, which can cost them dearly. It was found that 98% of basements will suffer some form of water damage within their lifetime. Don’t let your basement be part of this statistic.

Avoid these common mistakes when choosing basement waterproofing products, and you can keep water damage at bay.

Going For the Quick-Fix Solution

The advertisements on TV give you a miracle quick-fix solution that can fix any crack. Don’t get fooled by their persuasive and creative marketing tactic, because it is just that. There is no quick-fix solution for basement waterproofing. You can’t merely spray and make the leakage disappear.

Rubberizing It

Liquid rubber sprays coat the surfaces in the basement to waterproof it from water damage. While such liquid rubber sprays are suitable for treating minor cracks in the walls, they are not the best product when it comes to waterproofing your basement. They are easily damaged because of wear and tear, and it may be too late by the time you realize that the basement is leaking again.

Overlooking the Exterior of the House

Many people are so preoccupied with waterproofing the interior of the basement that they forget about the exterior. The exterior of the house may be the source of leakage in the basement. So, don’t overlook the exterior of the home and other basement ideas. Examine downspouts to ensure that they are pointing away from the foundation.

Installing a Vapor Barrier

 Vapor barriers are polyurethane sheets that are tacked on to the walls before it is plastered and painted. This will result in no leakage of water into the basement. It’s a good thing, right? No, it is not. While these sheets prevent water from leaking into the basement, they do not prevent water damage to the walls and foundation.

The result is that you will not know about the leakage until it’s too late. So, do not consider these as an option when it comes to waterproofing your basement. Basement waterproofing products should be those that not only stop water seepage but also protect the walls and foundation in your basement. It is best to hire professional help to deal with this condition.

Relying Solely On Sump Pumps

A sump pump will keep groundwater from seeping into your basement. It will trigger the pump to flush out excess water from the sump pit when it reaches the trigger limit. But, it is not a foolproof solution, as it does not prevent moisture from seeping into the walls. Your basement is still at risk of leakage. So, relying on sump pumps is not a good idea.

Although they are tucked away in the dark recesses of your home, basements are a vital part of your home. A damp basement can reduce the value of your property by about 10%. So, make sure that you use the right basement waterproofing products to keep it dry and airy.

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