Can You Build Your Own Conservatory?


How are you spending lockdown? Perhaps you’re baking an extortionate amount of cakes, catching up on every series on Netflix or performing home improvement projects.

While many are impressing the world on social media with their home-made coffee tables and hand-sewn throw cushions, why not take things one step further and finally add some much-needed space to your home with a new conservatory?

The folks at Konservatory are encouraging the nation to get stuck in and give some heavy-duty DIY a go at home and it’s easier than you think!

While it’s not recommended for someone who has never dabbled in DIY before, you certainly don’t have to be a trained expert to give it a go. DIY conservatory kits are becoming increasingly popular, you don’t need to worry about finding the right materials as these are all provided for you.

What Experience Do I Need?

As we said before, if you have never done DIY before, it may be best to start with smaller projects first, just so you can get used to how to handle tools and materials.

You don’t want your first time using certain equipment to be for a structure that needs to withstand the test of time and previous errors lead to experience, meaning you won’t waste any cash incorrectly using anything and having to fork out for it again.

We recommend smaller projects first, start with making a simple item of furniture and work your way up to laying a garden path or something similar. This will let you judge your own ability and see if you may need to ask a friend or family member with more expertise to help.

If you have successfully completed DIY in the past, then you should see no reason as to why you can build your own conservatory.

What Materials Will I Need?

Let’s keep it simple, you could try to buy your materials from scratch but this could be a tricky task. Many builders’ yards and professional supply shops require a membership or a minimum order. Both of which can be costly.

Using a DIY conservatory kit means, after the design process, you will have everything you need delivered to your door. This also means that you know everything you have will work well together.

This is crucial as even if your conservatory looks like it’s standing well on completion, you don’t always know if the materials you have chosen will stand strong for many years.

How Do You Build A Conservatory?

As much as we’d love to give you step by step instructions, every building is different. However, your DIY kit will come with full instructions on what to do.

It is important to find a business that you can have an in-depth conversion with about the design of your conservatory and don’t just opt for the cheapest option.

Your current property, garden size and even soil type should be taken into consideration to make sure you get the most out of your new project.

What Do I Need To Do Before Ordering?

Most importantly, check your garden is suitable for the foundations. You may have surveys from when you purchased your property that will outline any flood risks and even mainline pipes that might impede on your plans.

Check if you need planning permission, while most conservatories don’t need this, there are a few exceptions, when in doubt, contact your local council.

Of course, you can’t forget the function of your conservatory. There’s little point in building an extension if you don’t know what you’re going to do with it. They are incredibly versatile rooms and rarely are two used the same way.

You could create a dining room, children’s playroom, entertaining space or just a quiet place for you to relax and enjoy your garden.

The function of the room will determine the size you need to order so do some research into the furniture you are going to need. A dining room will need to be large enough to accommodate tables and chairs, along with room to access them.

Classic conservatory furniture is typically quite large, if you are wanting a traditional look, Alfresia wicker chairs for the conservatory are definitely worth looking into. Once you know the size of your items, you can get a better idea for the size of the conservatory.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Conservatory?

This can be determined by a number of factors, how big it is, the glass you choose, type of heating etc.

This could be from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands but most companies who supply DIY conservatories are happy to cater to budgets and adapt where necessary.

You also need to factor in any cost for specialist tools, standard household toolboxes are unlikely to suffice for this kind of job. You can enquire into what will be needed and research the cost to buy or hire them.

If you struggle in a particular area and need to seek professional help throughout the stages, conservatory fitters usually charge by the hour so it’s always good to have a contingency just in case you do need to call them in.

There is also the possibility of having to level your garden before any construction starts, this is something you’ll definitely need to acquire tools for.

While the basic structure of your conservatory is more than doable for the average DIY-er, there are other elements that should be done by a professional, especially if you have not attempted them before.

Electrical works shouldn’t be done haphazardly and poor wiring can pose a health and safety threat to your family and home. Always set some funds aside for an electrician, you can do this cheaply if your budget is stretched by having one or two electrical sockets installed and use floor lamps instead of wired lighting.

We’ve come a long way from the first flat-pack furniture in the ‘50s and this revolutionary idea has really changed the way we design our homes, both inside and out. DIY conservatories are a great way to start renovating your property and who knows where it could lead you to!

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