Burglar Proofing Your Windows


Even when you have a reliable home security system, you should burglar-proof your windows. Intruders will look for the smallest chance to enter your home and windows are some of the vulnerable areas.

Windows give easy access when doors are inaccessible. The simplest way to burglar-proof your windows, is to have window locks installed by a locksmith.

Types of Window Locks

Window locks come in different designs and sizes. Although some windows may already have locks they come with, aftermarket locks will enhance security.

When choosing a lock, you must consider the type of window it will be fixed on, and the level of security it offers.

Keyed Locks

If you are ready for a traditional way to lock your windows, you can opt for keyed locks. This means that to open or close the windows, you must have the key.

Although this is a good idea, there is always a risk of losing the key.

Sash Locks

If your home has double-hung windows, the most suitable locks would be the sash ones. You will comfortably open and shut the windows securely.

Pin Locks

Ground floor windows tend to be more vulnerable to break-ins than those on the first floor. A burglar will find it easy to enter the house through them.

To prevent this from happening, you should install pin locks as they are effective.

Hinged Wedge Locks

Some windows can be opened from the top and the bottom. Hinged wedge locks would be ideal in enhancing security for such windows.

Reason to burglar-proof windows even with a security system

There are many reasons to enhance security in your home. Even when a security system is in place.

It adds a layer of protection to everyone at home, it deters intruders and gives you peace of mind even when away.

Consider Your Requirements

With the different aftermarket locks available now you know what to look for. The first thing is to consider your requirements.

Consider where the window is located. A window on the ground floor will require a stronger lock than one on the first floor of the house.

The window size is also something to keep in mind.

Window Alarms

Besides window locks, you can burglarproof them using alarms. An alarm is installed and when the window is broken or forced open, it will go off.

You immediately get to know that someone has tried accessing your home. This comes in handy, especially when you have a big home or you are away.


You should always enhance your home security as much as possible. Windows is one area that should not be overlooked.

This is a high-risk area when not secured and it happens that most homeowners do not secure them. Most windows are made of glass which makes them even weaker.

A big home is more vulnerable to burglary than a small one. You cannot always have time to monitor your home using the CCTV cameras.

By securing the windows using alarms and locks, you can have peace of mind knowing that it will not be easy for intruders.

For the best results speak to your local locksmith who specialises in window locks and other security enhancements for your home. They will ensrue you get a product suitable for your budget and requirements. Also they will make sure it is correctly installed for maximum security.

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