Best Ways To Clean A Bathroom Sink Drain


Different parts of the house require typical maintenance. These types of maintenance are distinct from the regular cleaning you do at home. One such place that you may want to clean at regular intervals is your bathroom sink. We will call it “cleaning” at specific intervals to ensure that they do not get clogged.

A clogged sink may often mean that you will have to use the service of a plumbing company to have it unclogged. Of course, you have DIY methods to unclog your sink. We look at the best ways you can clean your bathroom sink to avoid clogging. These do not involve hi-tech equipment or skills. TCK faucets and sinks are easy to clean and does not require heavy maintenance.

Methods You Can Use To Clean A Bathroom Sink Drain

It does not matter how much of an effort you make in order to avoid small particles going into the drain as they will eventually slip in. An accumulation of these can result in a smelly drain. It happens in spite of you washing the sink regularly. We answer your question on how to clean bathroom sink below.

1. Pipe Cleaners

It is a good idea to use a non-corrosive pipe cleaner. You can use this once a month to clean your drain. It can remove any bacteria accumulation in the pipes of the drain. You must use a non-corrosive cleaner to ensure no damage is caused.

Avoiding corrosive and harmful cleaning elements is crucial. Bleach or other materials can be hazardous to your health, the sink, and the pipes attached to it. So, use standard, non-corrosive, or cleaning products that are natural.

For instance, Hydrogen peroxide is non-corrosive. It is also an incredible chemical to use for cleaning your bathroom sink drains. If your sink is not used regularly, you can clean it every other month instead. Always ensure that the materials you use to clean are not something that might put the pipes at risk.

In case if the pipes are damaged by the chemicals or materials used, you might have to hire a drain cleaning service to replace them. That would end up costing you more than you may have spent on having a professional clean your bathroom sink drain.

2. Snake the Drain

A snake tool is one of the best ways you can use it to clean a sink. However, in most cases, this snake tool is used to wipe out clogs. It would also work well with regular cleaning. Inserting the snake tool into the drain after removing the stopper is a good idea.

Moving it in circular motions when you are inserting it can help remove the sediments attached to the walls of the pipes. Make sure not to use a cloth at the end of the snake when inserting it. There is a high probability that it might get caught in the drain pipes.

If you are planning to use cloth at the end of the snake, make sure that it is attached properly. Having a plan to remove the fabric in case it gets stuck should be considered. It would help you prepare for the worst-case scenario of the cloth getting struck.

3. Baking Soda and Vinegar

It is another method people use when they encounter clogs. What many do not know is that it can also be used to clean the drain on faucets. A few things you need for this method are: a gallon of boiling water, a cup of vinegar, and baking soda proportionate to the vinegar.

To begin with, you can pour the boiling water into the drain hole. The idea is to have the boiling water break down any potential clog-causing elements. Once this is over, you can dump the baking soda into the drain hole. You may use a plunger before using the soda.

Move on to the next step, which is to pour the vinegar into the drain pipes of the sink. You would certainly hear a fizzing sound coming out of the drain pipes. Make sure to leave it to settle for a few minutes. It is ideal to abandon it unattended for an hour before you plan to start the next step.

Again, pour another gallon of boiling water into the drain of the bathroom sink. It is one of the most effective methods that you may use to clean your bathroom sink. Any debris, hair, and other germs would automatically get wiped clean with this combination.

4. Regular Hair Removal

If you are using the mirror above the bathroom sink to shave or brush your hair, there are chances of hair slipping into the drain hole. Although you might have a stopper, there are still possibilities of hair getting into it. The hair can be a primary cause of concern for any drain.

You have to remove the hair debris on a regular basis. If left without being removed, it might cause a clog sooner than you would expect, especially the hair that goes into the drain from shaving. Remove the stopper and clean it first, and if possible, try to remove the hair using your hand.

In some cases, the hair might have gone a little too deep, making it impossible to remove them by hand. Do not panic because using an unclogging gel would usually do the trick. These would be available at your local hardware store or on the internet on popular websites.

One of the things that you should do when using an unclogging gel is to follow the instructions given by the manufacturer. It is crucial to do this as different products work in distinct ways in a bathroom sink drain.

Tips For Sink Drain Cleaning

Tips For Sink Drain Cleaning

Regular Maintenance: As we mentioned earlier, regular maintenance of your sink drain can determine if it becomes smelly or not.

Therefore, schedule a date each month to have the cleaning done. It would keep your sink odor-free, hygienic, and clog-free.

Use Recommended Products: Kitchen faucets and sinks come with warranties. If you use certain harmful products, you are likely to invalidate the warranty. So, always consider using the ones recommended by the manufacturer. It would ensure that your warranty is intact.

Use a Stopper: Using a stopper is one of the best preventive methods to keep clogging away. A stopper would ensure no large particles get into the drain. It would also ensure that most hair that falls off your brush would be collected or stopped from getting in.


So, keeping your sinks, stoppers, and drain pipes clean would eliminate most of the common problems you may face. These DIY methods are meant to be tried without taking undue chances. Do not push yourself too hard to clean a clog or a sink drain.

You might end up damaging it, risking more expenses. Having a plumber visit and cleaning periodically is also a good idea you can consider. They can provide solutions to most plumbing maintenance problems that you will face.


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