Best Tips For Moving In The Rain


We never plan to move in the rain, but sometimes rain happens. If you’ve booked a professional removal firm, there’s no need to worry. Most firms worth their weight will have the necessary tools to deal with the wet weather, and make sure your precious cargo isn’t ruined. Of course, there are still things you can do to help out as well.

Early planning and anticipating the weather can help. Keep updated on your area’s projected climate and weather forecast for at least four weeks before finalizing the moving date. If moving in bad weather isn’t preventable, prepare waterproof covers and storage boxes.

In order to prepare your family and your belongings, inquire also about the contingency measures or protocols the moving company follows when assisting clients moving in the rain.

Here are some basic tips on how to move safely in the rain:

1. Ensure You’re Wearing Appropriate Footwear

This might sound obvious but sometimes, when we have a lot going on in our heads, we forget to think about our own safety. When it’s raining or if it’s been raining for a long time, the ground can become slippery. That’s why it’s important to wear sturdy, non-slip footwear on moving days. The best thing to wear would be sturdy boots with heavy tread, and if you have gloves with a grip, consider wearing those as well.

Avoid frostbite and catching colds or flu by wearing layered clothes matched with your shoes during a snowy and rainy day. And you need to wear durable and comfortable socks before putting on your shoes to protect your toes from cold.

2. Re-think Your Moving Boxes

Protecting your belongings is always a top priority which is why it’s important to carefully consider what you’ve packed them in. Cardboard boxes collected from the supermarket or online shopping orders are all well and good on a dry day but they probably won’t stand up against wet weather. That’s why it’s important to use purpose-built removal cartons which will stand better stead against the elements. And, if you have engaged a professional removal firm, they may be able to help you with some waterproof plastic crates.

Waterproof plastic crates are the best storage solutions when moving in the rain. They’re heavy-duty, clean, and eco-friendly because they’re reusable and recyclable. They can accommodate more things than wooden boxes. Plastic crates are ideal for packing toys, bathroom items, kitchen supplies, etc.

3. Protect The Floors

It’s understandable to get caught up worrying about all of your furniture staying dry. But it’s also important not to forget about your floors. If it’s a wet day outside and you or your removalists are trudging in and out, there is a very high probability that the floor will become muddy, slippery, and wet. That’s why it’s a good idea to lay down towels, an old piece of carpet, or blankets on both the floor of your old home and that of your new home. You should also think about placing a hard-wearing doormat at the door you’ll be entering the house though. That way everyone can wipe their feet before they step into the house.

It’s not a good idea to use plastic sheeting or a tarp as it could become slippery and dangerous. In addition, hire a professional to clear the walkway or front path where you’ll be hauling your things to avoid slipping, tripping, and other related accidents.

4. Shrink-Wrap Delicate Or Valuable Furniture

Getting some items of furniture wet can be more of an issue than others. Mattresses or fabric sofas for instance. The good news is most removal firms will be able to shrink-wrap these sorts of items to ensure they’re as water-resistant as possible. However, choose a reputable moving firm with insurance and bond to cover your expenses when your furniture or appliance sustains damage from a move.


5. Use Lots Of Tape

Rain can also weaken any tape you’ve used to seal boxes. That’s why it’s important to make sure they are sealed securely, and that might mean using twice or three times the amount of tape you originally thought – making sure the seals of the box are tightly sealed.

Read The Rain

This is of course much easier if you’re moving locally, but as a bonus tip, try to read the rain and move the less perishable items first when it’s pouring down heavily, like items packed in plastic tubs and waterproof containers. Then the more perishable items, like mattresses and plush/fabric furniture, when the rain has calmed a bit. Keep this and the tips above in mind to ensure a safe and stress-free move on your rainy moving day.



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