Benefits of using a harness for your dog instead of neck collars


For a long time, people have used dog collars to hook the leash on their dogs. The collars are an effective way to manage the dog, but they have certain disadvantages. Primarily, the collar puts significant pressure on your dog’s trachea, which may cause injuries if used for an extended time.

In addition, if the collar is made from inferior quality materials, it may cause rashes on your dog’s skin. You can go for this Spot On collar instead.

Instead of dog collars, harnesses have proven to be a great alternative. Dog harnesses are made from different materials, from elastane to mesh, each offering specific benefits.

Harnesses like the Voyager harness are mesh harnesses that come with velcro straps, making them easy to clip in or secure. Unlike traditional collars, such harnesses offer more functionality and comfort for your dog.

Here’s why you should consider harnesses instead of dog collars for your furry friend.

1. Offers more control

If you have an excited dog, a harness is undoubtedly a better fit in comparison to a neck collar when walking it. A harness allows you to properly manage your dog when they try to run after a bird or chase a cat. When you try to pull them using a neck collar, it causes significant pressure on their neck. In contrast, a harness distributes this pressure throughout the back.

2. Safer than collars

When you tie a neck collar, it is advised to keep a gap of two fingers between the collar and their neck. But, an excessively excited dog will try to find a way to break free and run away.  When your dog can easily break free, it might run into oncoming traffic, which is always a risky proposition.

On the other hand, harnesses are secured around the body, making it impossible for your dog to break free.

3. Stops your dog from pulling the leash

Even a stroll around the block with an untrained dog can be challenging. Some dogs tend to pull their owner while walking, and even if you try to pull them backward, untrained dogs will only resist and pull with more brute force.

However, using a harness discourages this behavior.  When you use a harness, the dog can’t pull you forward. Since the harness is wrapped between the shoulders, it redirects their forward motion to the opposite direction.

4. Help prevent injuries to the neck and trachea.

Using a collar to restrain your dog can injure the dog’s trachea and neck. These injuries are difficult to detect in the early stages, but prolonged use of collars may worsen minor injuries. Smaller dog breeds are more prone to tracheal collapse.

Using a high-quality harness like the Voyager harness alleviates any pressure from their neck or trachea. So, no matter how much the dog pulls, there is no risk of any injury.

5. Reduces the risk of ocular proptosis

Ocular proptosis is a severe critical condition wherein the dog’s eyeballs protrude from their eye sockets. The condition is triggered by the pressure created on the dog’s neck area caused by excessive use of neck collar.

There are a number of harnesses available for you to choose from. Choose the best harness for your pup based on their size and temperament.


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