Amazing DIY ideas to increase your Property Valuation


Are you planning to sell your house? Or you have built a property and you want to get handsome revenue by selling it to the highest price possible. Are you wondering how you can increase the value of your property? We know all the houses look the same in a community but what makes their value vary from each other is the little things that create a whole lot of difference. 

Here in this article we have gathered some simple yet amazing DIY renovation ideas that can help you increase the value of your property. You do not have to go high on your budget for the property developments. With simple but attractive changes you can attract prospective buyers and get a handsome revenue. 

Make Your Landscaping Attractive

Work on the landscaping of your house. A little piece of landscape can do wonders in attracting the prospective buyers. Whether you have a small space in front of your house or you have a backyard, make it look attractive and appealing. It is not necessary that only a luxurious and big landscaping space gives your house a wow factor. You can enhance the beauty of your small landscaping space with simple and easy to do ideas under your budget. 

Refresh the flower beds with colorful and fresh flowers according to the season. Add a wooden fence around the landscape area. It will not only give a sense of protection but also gives a tidy and neat look. Make a stony pathway that leads to the front door of your house. Add landscaping accessories. You can add fairy lights (and they are absolutely not expensive) to the bushes or trees to give it a dreamy look at night. Hanging bird baths and wind chimes also add up to the beauty of landscape and you can make them on your own. 

Make Your Exterior Attractive 

Besides landscaping, work on the overall exterior of your house. Start from the front door of your house. Front door is always the focal point of any house. Give your front door a new look by refreshing the paint that complements with the outdoor look. Put a wreath on the door with warm colored flowers. It will give a nice welcoming vibe. You can also put planters on each side of your front door. Add window boxes with nice and colorful flower arrangements. 

Update your house number with modern and trendy wooden or metallic numbers. Make sure numbers are big enough and visible from the main road. You can also add up lights underneath the numbers to give it a more luxurious look. 

Light up the outdoor area. Make sure there is sufficient light at night. Good outdoor light provides security and safety. And besides, who likes dark and gloomy houses at night that give a haunted look. Adding up warm colored outdoor lights gives a fancy look to your house. 

Make Way for Light

One of the most affordable hacks to increase your property value is to lighten up your house. By lighting up your house doesn’t mean that you add fancy chandeliers and artificial lights to your house. They do give a fancy look but nothing can beat the natural light. A well lit house gives bright and refreshing vibes. That is why you should work on the aspects that help bring the maximum amount of natural light that floods the house. You can make way for natural light to come inside by installing big windows, skylights and tubular skylights. 

In the inner parts of your house where there are no ways to bring in maximum natural light you can add up artificial lights. A well lit space gives a bright and wider look. Low light gives dark and gloomy vibes and it can put off the potential buyers. 

Makeover the Walls

Give your walls a makeover by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Who would want to buy a house with tacky walls? Nobody wants to buy a house where walls are full of scratches. If your walls have dirty or outdated paint or grease stains it will put off the buyers. Giving a few coats of fresh paint will light up your house. A neat and clean looking house attracts more buyers. Choosing the right color of paint is important. Use neutral colors to give your space a unified look. It will also help attract more buyers from different backgrounds. Using a neutral color is always a safe choice. 

Make Necessary Repairs and Fixing 

Give your house a detailed tour with eyes keen to observe the need to repair. Look for the areas which need fixing and repairing. Repairs are not only essential to increase the property value but also affordable. Update the fixtures to give your property a modernized and new look. Replace your old and boring switch plates, curtain rods, door knobs and light fixtures with trendy and stylish ones. Metal switch plates and outlet covers look fancy and are available in affordable prices as low as $5. If you can’t afford new and decorative curtain rods and door knobs you can always spray paint them to give a new and fresh look. 

We hope these amazing DIY ideas will help you increase the value of your property. If you want to dig deep and want to learn property development as a professional you can check out a range of  helpful courses and programs at DG Institute.

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