Aerobic Septic System: Benefits and Reasons Why You Need Switch To Aerobic Septic Systems


Septic system plays a significant role in several commercial and residential properties. Inadequate septic systems can lead to poor waste disposal. It can even cause harm to your health and your family as well. Several septic designs are now available to choose from. One of them is what we call the aerobic septic system. This system uses aerobic bacteria that are capable of treating the liquid effluent inside the tank. It works by pumping air that provides oxygen, an ideal environment for the aerobic bacteria to strive and break down unwanted pathogens inside the tank.

Your septic tanks can determine when the liquid effluent already needs pumping. Once the effluent reaches a high level, there will be an alarm that will signify the need for maintenance. Read further to learn more about the aerobic septic system and the reasons why you need it.

How Does it Work?

Aerobic systems or Aerobic Treatment Systems (ATS) have good ratings for efficiency and being environmentally friendly. However, sometimes you’re still unsure of how your system works and what are the ways to maintain it. With that said, you always choose to hire a septic expert to check it. Aerobic septic system maintenance is essential if you want to increase the longevity of your septic system. But, how can you tell if you notice that there is something wrong with your system? Below is the essential information that you need to know how your aerobic system works.

Waste Removal Process

Did you know that your aerobic septic system uses bacteria as means for breaking down waste? These bacteria use oxygen to metabolize the organic matter in your septic system. For them to strive, they use oxygen and the organic matter from your septic system to stay alive and do their work in the waste removal process.

The aerobic bacteria live in sludge or basins. A surface aerator or diffuser will send more oxygen into the system and to the organic waste. The bacteria will then use these to eat waste, breathe oxygen, and produce carbon dioxide as a product. With this, you will achieve clean water that can be put back to the environment or even into the water supply.

The type of aerobic system you have depends on how many units you need to ensure the water is already clean. For instance, systems that require a surface aeration method might also need more space and units for the wastewater to run several cycles and completely filter the wastewater. To know more about the specific details of your septic system and have regular aerobic septic system maintenance, you may hire a septic expert.

Are Aerobic Bacteria Harmful?

Some people find the word “bacteria” to have a bad reputation. Mainly because it can cause disease making people feel unpleasant. However, not all bacteria can give you harmful effects. For instance, the aerobic bacteria present in your ATS cannot infect or harm you.

They give benefits necessary for the breakdown of wastes in your septic system, like those bacteria in your digestive tract that helps in the proper processing of food for better digestion.

Why Switch To Aerobic Septic System?

Listed below are some of the things that you can consider when switching to an aerobic septic system.

Uses Aerobic Bacteria

Though sometimes it might sound a bit off that there is bacterial involvement, keep in mind that bacterial participation is necessary for this septic design. These bacteria help to break down the solid wastes faster compared to other anaerobic septic system counterparts. To prevent your system from having problems in the future, do not neglect to give your septic system regular maintenance.

Water Conservation

ATS has good reviews regarding water conservation methods since it can recycle the treated wastewater necessary for outdoor irrigation. This system is also the best replacement for failing septic systems. Several homebuilders prefer choosing outdoor setting irrigation since it does not require a large space. It is also suitable for poor-quality clay and sandy soil types.

Cleaner Treated Water

The Aerobic Treatment System can provide you with cleaner wastewater. With this, there is a decrease in the likelihood of getting groundwater contamination. Traditional septic system designs can carry the risk of contamination which more often needs excavation and even reinstallation of septic systems just to solve the problem.

The Aerobic Treatment System is one of the best options for living in areas with high water tables. Thus, making it an excellent recommendation to those who reside in these locations to avoid water pollution.


By having an aerobic septic system, the water that you use for laundry, shower, dishwashing, and the like can be recycled. You can even use this to water your lawn! Since the water moves through the system, it undergoes continuous treatment. Thus, if you want to go green and conserve the environment, an aerobic treatment system is the best deal for you.

Breaks Down Waste Faster

Compared to other septic system design counterparts, the aerobic treatment system is capable of breaking down the solid wastes faster. Since it has this capability, the waste will not accumulate and will not even reach alarming levels. Thus, you may lessen the need for frequent septic system pumping.

Cost Savings

This type of septic system already treats most of the wastewater inside the tank. With this, you do not need to have frequent repairs for your drain field. You can save money and use it for other important things rather than spend it alone for drain field repair.

Suitable For All Soil Types

One of the advantages of having an aerobic septic system is that you can use it in whatever type of soil you have in your land. While other septic systems are sensitive and are not compatible in land with high groundwater, you can still use aerobic treatment since it is compatible and can work well with all soil types.

Drain Field Friendly

In an aerobic septic system, the wastewater receives most of the treatment in the tank. Thus, it lessens the stress on the drain field. With this, you can reduce the amount of money you need to spend on fixing your drain. Spending a huge amount of money for drain repairs alone is such a headache. By considering aerobic treatment, you can reduce drain field stress, and you can save money.

Flexible Design

Other septic designs are challenging to install on some properties compared to ATS. For example, some properties with large pools or huge plantations make installation difficult. For other lots that have several trees or large decks, traditional septic designs can be pretty challenging. Since aerobic systems have a safe-saving and flexible design, it is the best option since you can work with its features and prevent interfering with your trees or pool.

How to Solve Aerobic Bacteria Problems?

Aerobic Septic System Maintenance is still one of the best ways to keep your septic system in good health. Do not let your moving components inhibit or kill the aerobic bacteria necessary for the treatment process. These bacteria can die when you use harmful chemicals and contaminants that can enter the wastewater.

Once you accidentally put some of these hazardous chemicals, your aerobic system might no longer work efficiently as before. To avoid this from happening, you may contact septic experts. They can professionally examine your system and do the proper steps in maintaining the bacteria level necessary for your septic system. You may also switch to organically safe waste to improve your bacteria’s presence or drain the water to add new bacteria.

Wrapping it Up

Aerobic Septic System provides better on-site wastewater treatment. This type of system uses aerobic bacteria that gives a significant benefit in breaking down wastes faster compared to other septic designs. Additionally, it contains an alarm that provides a signal to the homeowner if there is a problem with the system. By having this, you can easily detect any septic problems and avoid further damage from happening.

In some areas with the traditional septic system in their household, switching to an aerobic system might challenge them to adapt to it. However, if one is used to it, the benefits will outweigh these challenges. Like all other septic system types, the Aerobic Treatment System needs proper maintenance. Regular pumping of three to five years is still recommended to keep your septic system working at its optimum capacity.

If you are unsure of what the best thing to do with your septic system is, do not hesitate to seek advice or hire septic experts. They are keen on checking any problems and can even give you advice on the best course of action you may take.

To prevent further damages to your system, have regular aerobic septic system preventive maintenance done by a septic professional.

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