A Straightforward Guide to Staging a Home


If you are looking to sell your home, the chances are that you will need to stage it. When you stage your home, it becomes easier for potential buyers to visualize the home as their own. Additionally, it increases the value of your property. You are likely to sell your home quickly if it is staged.

There is a good chance that you’ve developed some attachment to the property you intend to sell. However, the attachment could be the reason why people are not interested in buying the property. For instance, what happens if you love bright colors, but a prospective buyer doesn’t?

Staging is more of a strategy. It is when a seller prepares a home to suit the vision of a prospective buyer. However, staging a home can be daunting, especially if it is your first time. If you want a hassle free approach, you should hire a virtual staging company, as they do all of the work for you and you can easily list your property online. But if you want traditional walk-in visitors, then the conservative staging is an absolute must.

Below is a straightforward guide to staging a home.

Clean the House Inside And Out

When you decide to sell your property, make sure that you clean it from top to bottom and inside and out, from the windows to floors, counters, grout, ceiling, walls, etc.

Cleaning your house is arguably the easiest and cheapest step to staging a home. Prospect buyers will request to see and inspect the home before they can decide to buy. Any trace of dirt, stain, or cobwebs can make them change their mind about purchasing your property.

You can hire a professional to clean every nook and cranny of your home, especially if your home is large or if you want to get rid of any tough stuff.

Say Goodbye to Clutter

If you have lived in your home for long, you have probably accumulated a lot of stuff over the years. Unfortunately, any clutter will be a huge turn off for most prospective buyers. Therefore, when it comes to staging your home, it is advisable to show off space instead of your stuff.

If you are determined to stage your home, be ready to get rid of any clutter. Apart from selling your stuff, you can rent a storage unit or donate to the less fortunate.

Make an effort to rearrange furniture so that the home can look spacious. Most people prefer to buy a spacious home, and by doing so, you are likely to capture interest.

In the end, storage is what sells a house. While taking a tour in their potential future home, potential buyers are likely to open the closets. Therefore ensure that you create ample space in the closets. Store any clothing that you do not use elsewhere.

Address Any Upgrades with Your Realtor

When looking to sell your home, there is a probability you will need the help of a realtor. It is advisable to hire an experienced one if you want to sell your property for the best price and fast. Identifying a good realtor can be challenging, considering they are many in the industry.

Fortunately, it gets easier when you know what to look for in a real estate agent. A reliable realtor has a good reputation and a history of successful sales.

Realtors inspect homes before listing identify an array of things that require an upgrade. Picture a scenario where you are selling a home that you furnished two or three decades ago. Everything in it is probably outdated.

Therefore, a realtor will help you upgrade your home by giving it that modern look.

Request an Inspection

When staging a home in preparation for a sale, it is advisable to request or conduct an inspection. By doing so, you will increase the chances of selling the house quickly and at a higher price.

The purpose of an inspection is to identify any damages that need repair. Prospect buyers want to buy a home that is in good condition, or at least in good enough condition based on the price. Also, no one wishes to spend more money on repairs after buying a home. The common types of inspection you can request include:

• Electrical inspection- it aims to identify whether the electrical box concurs with current guidelines. Also, the inspector checks whether there are faulty electrical wires.

Pest inspection- no sane individual will buy a home that is infested with pests or rodents. Please make an effort to hire a contaminator to get rid of them.

• Roof inspection- the roof is arguably one of the most important structures of a house. Apart from improving the value of the house, it also the first thing potential buyers see. They are likely to turn away if the roof is faded and worn out.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

When staging a home, do not focus on the interior only. The exterior is also as important as it also increases the value of the property.

Therefore, as you stage the interior, make an effort to mow the lawn, remove weeds, and trim the hedges. Most people prefer to do a drive-by check before touring the house. If the curb is not appealing, they will assume the interior isn’t too.

Stage Your Home Room by Room

When you decide to stage your home, it is advisable to do so room by room. It ensures that every room in your home is ready to wow prospective buyers. Here is how to stage a home room by room.

The Living Room

The living room is the first area a prospective buyer will see. You can add a newspaper or a vase with flowers to make the room feel livable. To stage the living room, remove unnecessary furniture, allow light in, apply neutral paint, and keep walkways clear.


A bedroom is arguably the most personalized rooms in a home. When you are staging a bedroom, you need to depersonalize. Your options must be gender-neutral to attract a wider audience. Also, make sure that is enough space for the future owner to customize as they please.

It is advisable not to place more than three pieces of furniture. You can place a bed, a dressing table and maybe a nightstand. You can add pieces of art and colorful pillows.


When staging your home, the kitchen must be clean and bright. You can add some character to the kitchen by placing a bowl of fruits and displaying modern utensils. However, do not display too much, as prospective buyers may think that your home doesn’t have enough storage space. You can also update the cabinets to something modern.

Market Your Home

After you stage your home, the next step is to market it. Otherwise, how else will potential buyers know you are selling your home? They are several ways you can market your house.

You can use social media platforms, media, and word of mouth. With the help of postcard templates for real estate, you can send direct mail postcards to friends, relatives, co-workers, and prospective buyers informing them that you are selling your home. Ensure that you include photos to capture their attention.


Following the above guidelines will ensure that your stage your home easily and sell it quickly. Send as many postcards as possible. You can visit wisepelican.com to the best postcard templates for real estate. They are a direct mailing company that specializes in real estate mailings.

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