Is There A Maintenance Routine With Artificial Grass Or Synthetic Turf


Homeowners are inundated with landscaping duties that take away a majority of their free time. Weekends are generally spent weeding, mowing, fertilizing, seeding, watering, and using various pesticides or insecticides to keep the garden safe from disease-carrying pests.

Many have decided the maintenance is too much considering otherwise hectic schedules limiting time with family and friends, usually until the weekends. No one wants to be tied up with gardening chores instead of entertaining their loved ones.

Instead, artificial grass is an alternative to a natural lawn that requires minimal maintenance and yet presents an attractive curb appeal throughout the entire year without a need to water. The synthetic turf offers a vibrant, plush, and realistic appearance with little care.

The routine upkeep required, though minimal, will retain the beauty of the turf and extend its lifespan. Let’s look at the care homeowners want to incorporate with their artificial grass to protect it long-term. How long does it take for grass seed to grow in Maryland.

What Is The Maintenance Routine With Artificial Grass Or Synthetic Turf

With any product, there will be a degree of care and upkeep to retain its integrity and maximize its lifespan, and that’s true of artificial grass as well. For all intents and purposes, people will be walking, playing, and running on the surface. Perhaps, animals will use the lawn for potty, play, and exercise.

Each of these circumstances will require that the synthetic turf be cared for to maintain a vibrant, lush appearance. Consider these suggestions as part of your routine care and upkeep of your artificial grass landscape.

The synthetic turf will need brushing routinely

The synthetic turf comes fitted with an infill that gives the grass sufficient weight to prevent it from shifting and allows the filaments adequate structure to show the appearance of a natural organic lawn. Over time, the filaments can become worn due to exposure to abuses like weather, foot traffic, pets, and on.

The result will be a garden with a “flat, one-dimensional” effect. That means the infill needs to be adjusted using brushes designed for large sections of artificial grass that need repositioning. If your space is somewhat smaller, the recommendation is to stick with a natural bristle broom. It should do the trick.

You will want the turf to settle after initial installation meaning you’ll avoid brushing for roughly three months. Once you start, you’ll then do the process each month to keep the blades standing tall. Go here for tips on artificial turf installation.

The weeds and debris need to be contained

Weeds are resilient, with the capacity to grow virtually anywhere. Still, there is a limited ability with the synthetic turf due to the backing designed for water drainage that actually discourages most growth beneath its surface. Of course, there will be those few that make it through.

These need to be cared for differently than you would with a natural grass lawn. Pulling would damage the synthetic turf. The ideal method with artificial grass is through the use of weed killer. Still, you must be selective in the sort you incorporate with the artificial material to retain its integrity.

The recommendation is to use a “water-based herbicide” as the safest option and to preserve the surface.

The weeds and debris need to be contained

Anything of a sticky nature or that could stain the surface should be immediately cleaned

Artificial grass will stain, and accidents are going to happen. Some things won’t even be accidents, particularly if you have pets. The outdoors is their potty. These bathroom breaks need to be cleaned up as they happen to avoid stains and odors.

When friends or family come for a barbecue and volleyball, spills and even a ball to the nose can leave the lawn with a mixture of substances. Having a bucket or garden hose and some mild soap is wise, so cleaning up is relatively quick and easy.

The built-in drainage system will ensure no puddles are left over on the surface, with the synthetic turf looking good as new. When the residue on the turf is sticky, like chewing gum, the recommendation is to use “dry ice or an aerosol refrigerant” to freeze the gunk and then scrape it from the surface.

Final Thought

When you have an idea of how to upkeep artificial grass, it will retain its vibrancy and appeal throughout the year, plus you’ll maximize the material’s lifespan. The amount of maintenance involved is minute compared to what many endure with a natural organic grass garden.

The suggestion is for those maintaining the synthetic turf adequately; it could last as long as 20 years + with no reseeding, watering, or fertilizing. Your only chore is to ensure the fibers are positioned as they should be, and stains, spills, and debris are removed as soon as they happen; relatively straightforward.

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