4 Pro Tips to Heat Your Home More Efficiently and Save on Energy Bills


If you shiver each time you open your utility bill, it could mean that your house is too cold or that you are paying more than you should to heat it. In either case, you should know that there are some changes you can make that will give you a warm home and save you money.

From sealing windows to getting a new-energy efficient heating system, you have several options to choose from to maintain a cozy home and reduce your costs.

To help you along, we share four pro tips you can follow to create a warmer home this upcoming cold season and instantly lower your energy bills.

Install an HVAC system

One of the best ways to keep your home warm during the colder months of the year is to install an HVAC system. HVAC is a system that warms indoor spaces in the winter and cools them in the summer, while also controlling humidity levels in the room and improving the air quality.

Besides performing these functions, having an HVAC system in your home can significantly reduce your energy bills, no matter the season. With an HVAC, you will be able to better regulate the temperature, which means you won’t have to waste energy by running your AC or heater when it isn’t necessary.

Because there are several types of HVAC systems, it is best to consult local professionals in your area to help you along. For instance, if you live in Scarborough and the Greater Toronto Area, look for the best HVAC Scarborough has to offer to find the appropriate heating and cooling system for your home. In addition, consider whether the service has good prices and operates 24 hours in case of emergencies.

Insulate your home

Insulating your home is another effective way to maintain a cozy home and lower your energy bills. This refers to installing a material on a house’s exterior to resist or block the flow of heat energy.

In other words, insulation is used to hold heat in during the winter and blocks it from entering the home in the summer. This will undoubtedly make your home more comfortable as you won’t have to crank up your heating or cooling system to the maximum just to get by.

Besides, a well-insulated home will also help lower those energy bills almost by half. The more insulation you have, the less heat energy will escape through the poorly insulated areas in your home.

Install a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to customize the heating and cooling temperatures of your home based on your needs. This will ensure that your HVAC system isn’t running when you don’t need it. Whether you are sleeping at home or you are away on holiday, you can preset the thermostat to a temperature of your liking so it will be maintained at all times. Because of this feature, programmable thermostats are another great way to combat higher energy costs.

You can also consider purchasing a smart thermostat to help make your home’s heating more efficient. You can control the thermostat from anywhere and anytime via your smartphone, tablet, or other device and set the temperature as you like. There are some smart thermostats that automatically adjust the use of your heating system in response to changes in temperature and according to your needs.

Schedule furnace and boiler maintenance

Broken boilers or furnaces can cause heat loss, and leave you without heat at critical times. A malfunctioning heating system can even make things worse by causing your living space to be affected by a dirty furnace that emits mold and allergens. There may also be carbon monoxide fumes and a gas leak, which can also cause an explosion.

Besides these unpleasant circumstances, there are also the costs that come along. Dirty and worn-out parts can make the heating system work harder which in turn wastes heat and energy.

The best way to prevent any of this is to keep your heating system in good condition at all times. While preventive maintenance may be costly, it is much more affordable than doing repairs or buying new heating systems.

Schedule furnace and boiler maintenance

Final thoughts

There is no question that heating your home uses more energy and costs more money than any other system in your home. However, this shouldn’t worry you because there are ways you can reduce those costs while increasing comfort levels in your home.

From installing an energy-efficient HVAC system to insulating your home, refer to our guide to learn how to make your home’s heating more efficient.

Infographic Provided By Solar Panel Installation Company, Sunburst Solar

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