Sandblasting vs. pantographing vs. laser engraving: Which is better for brick etching?


When it comes to engraved bricks for fundraising projects, there are three main methods of etching: sandblasting, pantographing, and laser engraving. Each has its own pros and cons, but which is the better option in the end? In this blog post, we will compare and contrast the three methods and help you decide which is best for your needs.


When it comes to engraved bricks, sandblasting is the more traditional method. It involves using high-pressure air to blast sand onto the brick surface. This sandblasts away the top layer of the brick, revealing the underlying material and creating a raised design.

The main advantage of sandblasting is that it is relatively quick and easy. This makes it a good option for large projects where you need to engrave a lot of bricks in a short amount of time. Additionally, sandblasting is relatively affordable compared to other methods, such as laser engraving.

However, there are some downsides to sandblasting. One is that it can be difficult to control the sandblasting process, which can result in an uneven or inconsistent engraved design. Additionally, sandblasting can damage the brick surface, making it more susceptible to wear and tear over time.


Pantographing is a method of engraving that uses a pantograph, which is a machine that copies and enlarges designs. To engrave a brick using this method, a design is first created on paper. This design is then transferred to the pantograph, which carves it into the brick surface.

Pantographing is a more precise method than sandblasting, which results in a cleaner and more consistent engraved design. Additionally, pantographing is less likely to damage the brick surface.

However, pantographing is a slower process than sandblasting, so it may not be ideal for large projects where you need to engrave a lot of bricks in a short amount of time. Additionally, pantographing can be more expensive than sandblasting because it requires the use of a pantograph machine.

Laser engraving

Laser engraving is a newer method of engraving bricks using a high-powered laser to etch the design into the brick surface. This creates a more precise and consistent engraved design than sandblasting. Additionally, laser engraving is less likely to damage the brick surface, making it more durable in the long run.

The main advantage of laser engraving is that it produces a higher-quality engraved design. This makes it a good option for projects where you need engraved bricks that will last for many years. And although laser engraving is more expensive than sandblasting, the better quality of the engraved design is worth the extra cost.

Which is best for your fundraising project?

In the end, it depends on your needs. If you need engraved bricks quickly and don’t mind a less precise design, then sandblasting is a good option. However, if you need engraved bricks that will last for many years and have a more accurate design, then laser engraving is the best choice.

Do you need help deciding which engraved bricks are suitable for your fundraising project? Contact a reliable engraved brick supplier today and they will be happy to assist you.


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