How a Pillow Protector Can Help with Your Allergies?


The effectiveness of the right bedding, such as a pillow protector, in combatting allergies and allergic symptoms may be put into question by some, and not without reason; bed and pillow covers are not typically what many would consider immunotherapeutic. These beddings, however, play an important role in the reduction of allergy-causing allergens such as dust, pollen and faecal matter from bed bugs and dust mites.

Allergic symptoms many times arise as a result of inhalation of the protein by-product of micro pests like dust mites that reside in the nook and crevices of our mattresses and pillows.

These extremely tiny bugs live close to humans and feed on dead skin cells we regularly shed onto our pillows. It is worth mentioning that not the dust mites themselves cause allergies but the allergen waste they excrete as a by-product of feeding and digestion.

Some relatively common allergic symptoms

  • Nasal Congestion
  • Itchy Skin
  • Cough
  • Itchy Throat
  • Red and watery eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Asthma

A Pillow Protector, particularly hypoallergenic protectors, do the job of preventing these allergy-causing agents from penetrating and flourishing in our pillows; this, in turn, protects us from the vagaries of having to live with these nearly invisible creatures and the numerous hazards they present.

How do pillow protectors help prevent allergic reactions?

  • Pillow protectors work by keeping dirt, skin cells, dust, and allergens out of the air when we sleep. When in deep slumber, we inadvertently toss and turn and adjust for comfort; this allows microscopic allergens in our pillows to become air-bound and travel down our lungs; in adequate amounts, these allergens start to cause irritation and general unwellness usually associated with allergies. Pillow protectors make sure these allergies stay put and away from our respiratory system.
  • Sweat, dead skin cells, and pet dander that we shed on our pillows are the food sources of allergy, causing dust mites to thrive. Using a pillow protector, you trap dust mites that may already be in your pillows and deny them access to newly formed food sources on the surface. In the absence of these food sources, ultimately, the dust mites would starve off and die.

Ensure you wash your pillow protectors regularly, as some allergens can stay on long after the extermination of their agents.

  • A new pillow only becomes a breeding ground for mites and bugs when it gets dirty. Pillow protectors perform the vital function of keeping our pillows clean. A good amount of body oils and sweat is bound to be left on our pillows after sleeping; pillow protectors soak up this waste significantly and prevent them from seeping into our pillows where they would otherwise create a rich environment for allergy-causing agents to flourish.

We’re rounding off

Depending on your budget, there is a quality range of Pillow Protector options out there for you, but to combat allergies specifically, you would want to get a pillow protector that is considered hypoallergenic, and this means it is designed specifically for the reduction of allergens and their agents.

Hypoallergenic pillow protectors are made from tightly woven fabric materials like cotton, silk, and polyester; most also come with an insulating layer of urethane or vinyl to keep them water-resistant.

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