Why Check Your Furnace Before Winter?


The modern home comes with all sorts of modern comforts that we may or may not take for granted. In fact, for many of the younger generations, there is no comparison to a time of wood stoves, candlelit evenings and other human activities that were the standard for most of our species’ existence. One of these modern comforts is the furnace.

Our furnaces are an integral part of our homes, especially in northern climates where the winter can be quite cold. They help keep our homes warm, of course, but they also prevent the damage that comes with contracting building materials in cold conditions, like burst pipes, split wood and cracked concrete. This makes furnace repair an essential task in homeownership.

The Importance of Furnace Repair

When it comes to maintaining your home, furnace repair is a necessity. Without a properly functioning furnace, you may be putting yourself into a number of risky situations. Of course, there is the reality we just mentioned, that of enduring a cold winter without a reliable heat source. But even operational furnaces are a hazard as they may be leaking toxic combustion products into your home. Below, we look at more of the risks associated with an improperly operating furnace to showcase the dangers that can occur without proper maintenance.

Introduction of Combustion By-products

Much like the traditional fireplace, furnaces are not closed systems. They have a combustion area where the flame and fuel meet, and they also have a chimney—called a flue in furnaces—that vents the combustion by-products that occur. These gas escapes are essential as they prevent dangerous concentrations of harmful products in the home, which may cause suffocation risks if left unattended. Some of the products can be toxic to humans, damaging our lungs and causing lasting damage.

Increased Explosion Risk

Furnace repair can also decrease the risk of explosions. When furnaces are not properly contained, they may allow the fuel (gas) used in the process to escape without being consumed. The more fuel that escapes, the greater its concentration around the flame used in the furnace. If this is allowed to build up before being ignited, it may cause an explosion which could cause property damage, injuries and even death, depending on the severity and scale of the event.

How to Prevent Furnace Risks

Modern furnaces are quite safe by any comparison to their predecessors. This makes the risks described above unlikely in most situations, but as things age, they become more volatile. To prevent any risk from occurring, it is best to get your furnace regularly inspected and maintained. By working with a furnace repair company, our HVAC company, you can ensure that a professional with the experience and knowledge necessary to inspect and repair furnaces is attending to your furnace.

In most instances, these simple inspections yield no negative results or may only require simple repairs, like replacing a single component or maintaining relevant information. However, they also ensure that any significant problems are addressed quickly, which helps to lessen the danger overall.

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