Things To Know Before Going For Solar Energy


Solar power is a great way to save money on your electric bill and help the environment. But before you install solar panels, there are some things you should know about them first, including the costs and finding a contractor you can trust. We consulted with Tampa solar company for this article to provide you with an honest outlook on what it means for homeowners who want to go solar.  So, here are the things every homeowner needs to know before going for solar energy.

Will I Need To Get A New Roof Before Installing Solar?

If you’re in the market for solar panels, you need to make some considerations before installing them on your roof. First of all, if your roof is due for replacement in the next five years or so, then adding new solar PV panels will require an inspection of your current roof’s ability to withstand the weight.  Secondly, make sure the installation of new solar panels won’t void the warranty on your existing roof. You can find this out by contacting the company that installed your original roof.

Does It Matter Where I Live?

One of the most common misconceptions about solar power is that it’s not worth it if you don’t live in a sunny state like Arizona or California. According to EnergySage, homes in states like New York and Massachusetts are among those who have embraced solar power, and they don’t get nearly as many peak sun hours as Arizona or California. Homes need four hours per day on average for panels to be worthwhile. The good news is that even if your house gets only two hours of sunshine on average, you may want to consider higher-efficiency solar panels.

What Are The Implications Of Solar For My Home’s Resale Value?

Many homeowners are wondering how solar energy will affect the resale value of their homes. The answer is that it’s likely to increase! Recent studies have found that buyers across the country are willing to pay a premium for homes with an average-sized solar array. These panels are considered upgrades like renovated kitchens or finished basements. There is evidence also that homes with PV systems sell faster, as was seen in California in 2008. However, keep in mind that researchers focused these studies on owner-owned PV systems.

Are The Installation Options For Solar?

Understanding the type of installation available is crucial if you want to make the most informed choice for your home. There are two types of installations, both with their pros and cons.  On-grid systems require homeowners to connect their system to the grid, which will provide backup power when needed. This type of setup is helpful in places that don’t have consistent sunlight or where it isn’t plentiful many months out of the year. Off-grid systems rely on battery storage and generators, requiring an experienced installer who can complete this installation.  The best way for homeowners to decide what type of install they need is by considering all factors, including location, budget, and energy usage.

Will Solar Power Add To Property Tax

Are you worried that adding solar power will change the value of your property and increase your property taxes? Don’t worry. We’re here to tell you why this won’t happen! In most states, the addition of solar panels is exempt from property taxes. This is excellent news for homeowners who want cleaner energy sources and lower monthly bills.

What Happens If My Panels Produce More Energy Than Needed?

If your solar panels produce more electricity than you use throughout the day, this energy goes into the city’s grid. It is credited on your utility bill for any extra kWh produced. This procedure is referred to as net metering. Unfortunately, net metering credits are not available to those who live off-grid, so they have another option for storing their surplus energy in battery storage.

Solar power is an excellent option for homeowners who want to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy. In addition, the installation of solar panels can increase the resale value of your home, so it’s well worth considering if you’re in the market for an upgrade or renovation project. Regardless of the type of solar installation you choose, make sure that you get professional help from experienced installers before going ahead with any work!



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