5 reasons you should go for artificial trees


So in this day and age we are always trying to escape anything artificial, it’s always looked down upon as a bad thing we should be avoiding. But i think there is a time and a place, you can’t be fully natural with everything, you’ll never completely get rid of artificial things in your life but you can try your best i guess. I think you’ve got to look at your priorities, if you are slow on time, or dont have much space in your garden for real trees that grow big and need lots of care and attention, then artificial outdoor trees may potentially be your go to.

Artificial trees outside are not something that often comes to mind when someone says artificial trees, we usually think of the tacky,colorful and cheap looking christmas trees. We don’t think of beautiful and easy to maintain green trees, why’s that? Well it’s just not as talked about, it’s not super mainstream yet. But with more people becoming busy and having less time to spend in their garden this will be a hit in the future for sure

Now I think it’s time that we get into the article, here i’ll talk about the top points of the best artificial tree for outdoors. You’ll definitely be swayed towards this idea more. I’m sure right now you’re thinking ‘What the heck is this guy on about’, but trust me. This will be an eye-opening read for you I promise. So let’s get into it

They don’t require any water

Maybe the state you live in is super dry, no rain = unhappy tree. That’s of course if it’s real, your neighbors will be drooling over your garden. Not having to use water or live in a wetter area will be great for you. No need to go out and look after your tree, it looks after itself. It’s an independent tree, all you’ve got to do is admire its beauty. Also, again if you live in an area that’s prone to getting regular droughts then this will take some pressure off the area’s water supply. I’m sure the last thing you want to do is put extra pressure on other people by just innocently watering your thirsty tree

Choose what you like

So let’s make a little story to explain this. You meet an extraordinary man, he’s got it all. You put lots of effort in, you guys are going on dates and spending a lot of time together. Let’s make it as short as possible. Basically you go for the first kiss, and what? He can’t kiss, well he can. He just doesn’t do it so well, in your opinion anyway.

So how do I apply this to artificial trees? Ok so hear me out, when you buy a little baby tree you’ll never know how it’s gonna look in the future after you’ve put so much time and effort into the little guy. He could end up being the most bugly tree in the world. On the other hand you could buy yourself a perfect (in your eyes) looking tree and plant that beauty in your garden. It will always stay the same, rain or shine your tree will be looking lovely

So i guess the moral of the story is ‘try before you buy’ yeah unfortunately you can’t buy yourself a boyfriend at the mall but you get the picture, right?

Eco friendly

So i’m gonna keep it as simple as i possibly can, the last point was a long one so i’ll make this one nice and short for you. They also get rid of the use of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides. These contain dangerous chemicals to not only the earth but also they can harm your health if you get exposed to them regularly.

Having an artificial tree eliminates this process, just look at the facts it’s a better option if you want to improve the health and longevity of the earth, yourself and others. Also make yourself a lovely looking garden whilst doing so, and that’s what we call a win win

Cost effective

You may think at first that this isn’t so, but if you take a look at the long term then it will show that this bold statement is in fact true. Let’s use another story just like before

You need to buy a new car. You have 2 choices, a standard petrol car for 20,000 dollars or an electric car for 40,000 dollars. Both of them are big investments, the electric car is clearly going to be a large upfront investment. But if you can think into the long term you’ll see the benefits, first one is that you’ll save fuel, there’s no need to explain!It’s kind of obvious. Also you’ll be saving the planet again, of course whilst looking pretty cool

They are super easy

Have you ever tried to plant a tree, ok maybe you have. But how successful was that, how easy was it. I’m guessing it either died from you giving up or you just spend a lot of time taking care of it. With artificial plants all you’ve got to do is put it exactly where you want it, no strings attached at all. Just enjoy your new and improved garden even more

Closing thoughts

So it looks like that’s a wrap, I’m sure there are many more benefits to having an artificial tree over having the standard tree that you pick up from a garden store or plant by yourself. But these benefits are to be discovered by you, not by me. Of course there will be disadvantages, but that’s like anything right. Nothing can be completely perfect

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