What Does a Deep House Clean Consist Of?


Most people prefer daily routine cleaning when it comes to maintaining neatness in our homes. This entails cleaning laundry, washing dishes, cleaning toilets and bathroom, kitchen, and a few other routine cleaning activities. A deep house clean may not be done daily as it may be unnecessary. This is unless we are hosting or have guests that may stay longer. Deep house cleaning involves thoroughly cleaning neglected and routinely cleaned areas such as windows and doors. You may clean the toilet daily, but the cleaning may not be thorough. The same applies to kitchen tops and sinks, appliances, and drainage systems.

A deep clean is different from routine cleaning. While regular cleaning involves light cleaning meant to keep the house orderly on a day-to-day basis, deep cleaning, on the other hand, is detailed and requires prior preparation. It is intended to last several months or even a whole year. Are you planning a deep house cleaning? Ensure you engage a professional cleaning service.

Below we look at what deep house cleaning consists of


A deep house clean requires planning. The whole process takes several hours to a day depending on the manpower and the premises’ size. Planning ensures that all the materials needed for cleaning are available. This includes detergents, vacuum cleaners, professional limescale removers, lawnmowers, and any other items that may not be required daily, such as scouring powders and special cleaning agents.


After planning, you need to schedule a deep house clean on a specific day. The whole process is messy since it involves a lot of free-flowing water. There’s system unclogging, minor plumbing, removing dirt from the ceiling, dusting, and opening blocks that have not been touched for months. This requires minimal distraction. After scheduling, ensure you inform other family members of the upcoming deep clean. Request family members to excuse you as you will need minimal interruption from people moving around wet places.

Cleaning Key Areas First

Toilets and bathrooms are the key areas in any household. The wet areas in your home are the most sensitive and often culprits in holding germs and bacteria. Ensure the two areas are thoroughly cleaned. This involves opening clogged sinks, removing cobwebs window treatments. Ensure you touch every item in every room. Some may require dusting, while others may need washing. Curtains and mats in both areas should also be cleaned as they attract dirt and germs due to frequent use. If there have been occasional leakages, this is the perfect time to engage a plumber to check the entire system.

Cleaning Bedrooms and Other Key Rooms

All bedrooms should be thoroughly cleaned. This includes thorough cleaning under the bed. Part of the cleaning process also involves changing all beddings, including mattress covers, heavy blankets, and duvets. Do not forget the ceiling for dust and cobwebs. Other rooms such as the TV and sitting rooms should be cleaned at this point. Window treatment should be done in all rooms.

Cleaning Other Rooms

These are common rooms that everyone shares in the facility. They include the laundry room, mudroom, and study area. Ensure every surface is touched. This could entail wiping or cleaning, depending on the type of surface.

Cleaning Fixture and Fittings

Ensure fans and other fixtures are well cleaned and Changed if need be. This is also the perfect time to check the smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and even other systems such as outdoor lighting and the alarm system. You may also consider waxing the floors.  Ensure door frames and window sills are also thoroughly cleaned. These areas are always neglected.

Cleaning outdoor areas

After cleaning the interior, it’s time to clean the outer parts of the house. This also gives ample time to have wet places dry. Clean all the dusty areas, garden furniture, benches, and the garage. Consider decluttering the garage of unnecessary items. If possible, use flowing water for the outdoors.

Clean outdoor plants, ensure the lawn is well mowed, and those annoying leaves are finally collected under the trees. This is a perfect time to add more natural plants and flowers and do some touch-ups on the old plants. Ensure plants are well pruned, watered, dusted, and checked for any insects and flies which need to be sprayed.

Organizing and reorganizing

After a deep clean, you may have to wait for some specific areas to dry out if they were not vacuum cleaned. Ensure the areas are well organized. You may consider reorganizing some of the rooms for a fresh new look.

There are various parts of your home that are rarely touched. These include the exteriors, fixtures, fittings, lighting, ceilings, decorations, heavy carpets and curtains, walls, floors, and drainage. The same applies to most home appliances which are only wiped after use. The backside of most appliances is rarely touched. Deep house cleaning consists of a thorough clean and disinfection.

At Unistar cleaning services, we do all the donkey work for you as you relax. Call us on (603) 867-6243

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