7 Supplies You Need to Stock Up On for Your New Puppy


Once you decide to adopt a puppy, making his first few days in your home as comfortable as possible should be your top priority. You have to ensure your new pet feels safe and secure in his new environment so that he can acclimatise faster and experience a sense of belonging in your household.

Preparing your home for your puppy’s arrival, which includes setting up his bedroom or sleeping space and creating a routine, can help him adapt to his new environment quicker. Ensuring you have all the supplies your new pet needs for a successful acclimatisation will go a long way as well.

Must-Have Pet Supplies for Your New Puppy

Below are the eight supplies you need to stock up on before you bring your puppy home:

1. Dog food

As a pet owner, one of your main responsibilities is keeping your puppy well-nourished all the time. This should start from the day you take him home.

Because of this, you need to make sure you always have a steady stock of healthy dog foods and treats.

Look for recommended food and treats for your puppy’s breed online or ask his vet if he already has one and buy them. If you can’t go out, opt for a pet food delivery service in Dubai and wait for your supplies to be delivered to your home.

If you are given several options to choose from, pick the best one that falls within your budget.

It would be best to stock up on these products since puppies tend to get hungry easily. You may have to feed your pet at least three times a day.

2. Food and water bowls

Aside from dog food, you need to have bowls to use for feeding them.

Stainless steel, stoneware, and ceramic dog bowls are good choices since they are easy to clean, dishwasher-safe, and can be sanitised easily. Stainless steel bowls, though expensive, are the best choice since they are more durable and too bulky for a puppy to carry in his mouth.

If you go for plastic bowls, select ones that are dishwasher-friendly and replace them immediately when they start to show signs of wear.

When shopping for food and water bowls, choose elevated ones to give your puppy more comfort when eating. Additionally, opt for non-slip bowls since they minimise spills.

3. Crate and containment

Bringing home a puppy for the first time can pose a challenge, especially if the travel time is a bit long. Getting a crate or carrier for this purpose can help you overcome this problem.

Hard-sided crates and travel carriers come in different materials, which include stainless steel, fiberglass, and plastic. If you want one that can last a lifetime, a product made of stainless steel is your best option.

However, plastic and fibreglass crates and carriers also offer several benefits. They give your puppy an extra measure and sense of safety and security while driving or flying. Additionally, they are lightweight and replicate a cozy, warm den, particularly when you outfit it with a soft bed or blanket.

Make sure the crate or carrier you choose is spacious enough for your pet to stand up, lie down, turn around, and stretch inside.

A containment device will also give you an easier time monitoring and housetraining your puppy. These items come in the forms of exercise pens, playpens, or baby gates.

Exercise pens are a set of portable wire panels that confine your puppy to a particular area. You can adjust them to make them bigger or smaller, depending on the space. Baby gates, on the other hand, allows you to cordon off restricted places, thereby preventing your pet from roaming where he shouldn’t.

4. Dog bed

As your puppy is still small and not yet housetrained, you can have him sleep in his crate or kennel. To turn it into a comfy sleeping space, outfit it with a small fleece or sheepskin bed or bumper bed.

Once your puppy is housetrained, be prepared to buy a bigger dog bed. If you want an eco-friendly product, opt for one that is stuffed with recycled materials such as repurposed cotton.

There are also dog beds stuffed with cedar chips that minimise odor and help with insect control.

Additionally, there are different types of pillows, cushions, and blankets you can choose from to complete your pet’s sleeping space.

5. Grooming supplies

To be healthy and happy, your puppy needs to be clean and well-groomed all the time. Although you may prefer to bring your pet to a groomer, you can’t do this every day. There are some tasks you have to do on your own daily.

Because of this, you need to stock up on good-quality pet grooming items.

To keep your puppy’s coat clean, beautiful, and smelling good, you need to wash it regularly. As such, you have to stock up on shampoo, conditioner, a comb, and a bristle brush.

You also have to clean your puppy’s ears clean, trim his toenails, and brush his teeth. You, therefore, also need to have ear cleaning solutions, cotton balls, nail clippers, toothbrushes, and dog toothpaste.

A pair of scissors will also come in handy if you need to trim a bit of your puppy’s fur.

6. Identification

The last thing you want to happen is to lose your puppy and have difficulties finding him. To avoid this stressful problem, purchase an easy-to-read identification tag. It should be big enough to state your puppy’s name and your family name and contact details.

Implanting a microchip in your puppy is another identification option for your pet. It is a rice-sized device that contains a code stored in a database with your contact information. The chip is implanted in the dog and when he is found, a staff member at a shelter or clinic uses a handheld scanner to read the code.

A staff from the shelter or clinic will then get in touch with you to inform you that they have your pet and you can schedule a time to pick him up.

7. Collar and leash

Lastly, your puppy needs a collar and leash before you can go outdoors.

To get the best collar, choose a size appropriate for the breed and age of your puppy. Make sure it is adjustable so that you don’t have to keep getting a new one as your pet gets bigger.

When shopping for a leash, select one that complements your puppy’s size as well. Pick one with a rope lead since it is strong and comfortable on your hands.

When you have a puppy, you will have an adorable furry baby to take care of and dote on for a long time. As such, prepare well for your pet’s arrival so that he can adjust to his new home quickly and be a delightful part of your family.


Farah Al-Khojai is the Managing Partner of Pet’s Delight. A passionate entrepreneur, Farah holds a Bsc in Government from the London School of Economics. She is always on the lookout for new opportunities to develop and grow the pet and equestrian retail and wholesale market in the UAE and beyond, and is proud to be at the helm of the first and the largest pet care provider in the market representing world-class brands including Orijen, Applaws, Hunter, Savic, Flamingo, Ruffwear and Rogz.

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