Expert Tips for Purchasing the Best Water Softeners


When you purchase and install home water softeners that attach to the incoming water pipe, you have the advantage of a softener and descaler that benefits all your home’s water pipes. What that means is harmful minerals do not attach to pipes, water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, and others.

Is a Water Softener Worth the Expense?

That build-up of minerals on your pipes and expensive home appliances hinder their functionality, in much the same way as cholesterol in your bloodstream. High concentrations of hard water stick to the sides of pipes and appliances, eventually reducing water pressure and your appliances’ operating capacity.

Split-level homes will experience no water pressure in the shower upstairs. When someone turns on the cold-water downstairs, you will get burnt by steaming hot water in the shower or vice versa.

Aside from water pressure and reduced appliance efficiency, your laundry detergent and fabric softeners will not work as well in hard water. Believe it or not, hydrogen sulfide, a natural chemical found in some well waters, mixed with chlorine bleach turns your whites brown or gray. Therefore, if you are thinking your bleach is not working as it should, you are likely blaming the wrong source. It’s quite probable that your water is the culprit. But it is solvable by investing in the best water softener.

Another source of frustration is water spots on your glasses and silverware. Those spots are from Sulphur in your water. Shampoos, soaps, and conditioners are more productive with a water softener than without; thus, you use less, your skin will be cleaner, and your hair will be silkier, with less frizz.

Why Not Consider a Salt-Infused Water Softener?

What you should consider before buying a salt-infused water softener is salt or sodium. When you use a salt-infused water softener, you subject you and your family to increased sodium and the likelihood of high blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension. Hypertension is a known contributor to HBP and stroke. Therefore, adding sodium to your water could negatively affect your family’s health. If your doctor recommends cutting back on salt, why would you introduce it to your family through the best water softener? It might never be a problem, but why risk it?

A typical water softener infuses about eight milligrams of sodium into every liter of water. Thus, you could be adding too much sodium to your family’s diet, particularly if the water softener is out of adjustment.

Therefore, if you are trying to decide between a salt or potassium water softener, the potassium softener is better for your family’s health. Still, an electronic softener could be the best and least expensive choice for your family and the environment. But first, let’s take a look at the advantages of a potassium softener over a salt-infused softener.

Why Consider a Potassium Chloride Softener?

According to, a potassium enriched diet is beneficial to your family’s health. Potassium works as an electrolyte for your body and carries positive-charged ions.

Potassium water softeners work similarly to the salt-infused water softener. But it uses potassium rather than salt. Potassium is a mineral required by our bodies to promote muscle and nerve functions but could have the opposite effect on your body in larger than necessary doses. Therefore, it might be wiser to use a supplement than a softener. Not to mention how much more expensive it is to install and maintain a potassium chloride softener.

Salt and potassium-infused softeners must be consistently fed bags of salt or potassium that cost $5.00 – $10.00 for salt, and $25.00 – $30.00 for potassium per bag. That can add up to a significant expense over the lifespan of your home.

Why Not Consider a Dual Tank Water Softening System?

The dual tank water softening system using either salt or potassium normally is for large family homes and multi-family houses and apartment buildings. One of those tanks can get cleaned while using the other. However, these systems typically cost $900 to $2,000. But some can cost as much as $4,500 or $5,000. It usually depends on what brand you purchase, so shop for the best price if you consider a dual tank.

Do Electronic Descalers Work?

According to a Best Osmosis Systems 2020 Eddy Water Softener Review, Eddy is “the number one alternative to salt water softeners.” The Eddy electronic descaler uses a system of applying two coils around your water supply line as it comes into your house. These coils modify the water’s adhesion properties. Therefore, the minerals in the pipes do stick to the pipe’s surface.

Unlike some water softeners, it does not remove anything from your water. All the healthy minerals like calcium remain to provide benefits to your growing family. The descaler uses negatively charged ions to keep minerals with positive-charged ions from attaching to the pipes.

These reviews, however, come from a variety of homes across the world. You should check local reviews and with neighbors to see how these systems work with the water in your area. However, if your home has galvanized or iron pipes, you should not use the Eddy Descaler.

Does the Eddy Water Softener Work?

One thing’s for sure, you can read all the reviews available, but you will never know how effective a water softener will be until you try it in your home. What we like about the Eddy is the 12-month money-back guarantee and the manufacturer’s lifetime replacement or repair warranty. Other products costing much more typically come with a one or two-year warranty with restrictions. What’s more, Eddy products are FCC and CE approved for use in the US, EU, and the UK.

Which Water Softener Is Best for Our Home?

Before you purchase a water softener, you should test your water to determine your needs. It might be you don’t even need one. You can get water test kits at Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s, or your local hardware store. These typically cost $20 – $50.

Generally, do not buy one from a door-to-door or phone solicitor. This buy could be an invitation to provide skewed results to sell you a water softener that might not be beneficial to you and your family.

Can I Install a Water Softener Myself?

Installing a water softener as a DIY project is easy enough if you are confident with your ability to follow printed instructions, and you have the tools and time. However, after reading through the instructions, you should make sure you have or can purchase all the right tools. Plus, be sure to buy the right size and type of water softener for your family.

Buying a water softener for a small home with two occupants when you have a family of five will defeat the purpose of the device just to save a few dollars. Of course, if the machine you buy comes with a free install, by all means, you should let the professionals do it.

Even if you decide to add a water softener as a DIY, you should contact a plumber to determine which types are present in your home. Some water softeners work better with different kinds of pipes, particularly electromagnetic descalers but not iron or galvanized.

The 2020 Eddy Water Softener Review rates the Eddy Water Softener and Descaler at number eight in the world. So, why not choose one of the products rated higher than the Eddy? If you’re looking for a water softener that is less expensive, easier to install without disrupting plumbing systems and is exceptionally eco-friendly because it uses far less electricity than the Eddy is for you.

The Eddy water softener does not infuse your water with salt or other harmful by-products that will eventually pollute the environment.


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