8 Trendy Home Décor Ideas in 2020 You Should Know


We are at the beginning of a new decade, a perfect time to give your home a new look. Home decor styles keep changing. You should familiarize yourself with the latest trends to make your space a place of peace and tranquility.

If you’re looking for home décor ideas to fresh your home, you have come to the right place. We’ve composed home decor ideas that will perfectly reflect your taste and personality.

Great Home Décor Ideas On Trend

It can be challenging choosing the best home décor styles. Luckily, we’ve prepared inspirational home décor ideas to make your home feel and look elegant.

Here are 8 trending home décor ideas to help you revamp your space:

1. Curved Furniture is Back

With rectangular and square pieces becoming a thing of the past, curved pieces are redefining home décor in 2020. Most people are ditching straight edge furniture for rounded coaches and wardrobes, deep-seated chairs, and sloped circular sofas.

Curved furniture style works in tandem with round-shaped tables, coffee tables, artwork, and mirrors. Add irregular shapes to contrast the curved styles. Rounded sofas maximize space use in small rooms, and they reflect bold pieces with more wavy accents.  Be sure to check out options for furniture resale store online as well.

Hanging Mirrors for Bigger and Brighter Rooms

2. Hanging Mirrors for Bigger and Brighter Rooms

Do you know big mirrors create the illusion of a bigger space? This home décor trick brightens and opens up your home by bouncing light around the room. You can go a notch higher by adding a unique frame around the mirror to enhance the aesthetics.

Hang at least one mirror in every room in your house. Note that hanging mirrors in the wrong place can be as bad as having none. The mirrors should be placed perpendicular to the windows. Placing them directly opposite bounce the light back to the window.

3. Vintage Accents for Unique Appearance

While modern furnishing is still popular, many people are going back to the traditional detailing.

Vintage accents such as spindles are among the trending home decors. But you don’t have to add a whole lot of accents. One or two statement pieces will do the trick.

4. An Upsurge of Custom Mural Walls 

Removable mural walls with 3D or floral patterns have been around for some time. This year, however, the use of floral drawings on walls is on the rise. These hand-drawn patterns create a contemporary yet classic aura in your space.

Consider using one massive mural at the corner of the room instead of using numerous tiny pieces. Fortunately, there are myriad of nice wall mural designs to choose from, including beaches and forest murals.

5. Layered Lighting Can Make a Huge Difference

Your home lighting can make a significant difference in the decorations. Accent lights decorate and highlight prominent features such as artwork. Also, the direction of the light determines how to paint your room.

To make your environment cozy, consider adding fairy lights and lamps. Candle lights can add a romantic feel to your bedroom.


6. High Contrast Décor is Having a Moment

High contrast decoration is now an in-thing in home decorations. Initially, most homes use white color and accessories for decoration. If you fancy using black color, this is the time to give it a try. For instance, you can try out white upholstery with a black frame.

Instead of restricting yourself to the white color, you can use natural wood to maintain the bright vibe. This year we’ll see black color used prominently in home decor. Expect to see black walls, fixtures, furniture, and finishes. When used with other colors, black gives your home a great feel. One great idea is using a black mural on a bright colored wall.

7. Grow Your Art Collections

Antique art is also a trendy idea for home décor. The fact that these arts have a history and look ages makes them ideal for homeowners. Art enhances the interior design, social atmosphere, and wellbeing. This is the year you should add your art collection.

8. Patterned Textile and Designs are Rocking 2020

2020 is the year to use bold and intriguing patterns. The focus is on colored wall art and textiles. This involves mixing patterns such as using floral in animal prints.

Similarly, wallpapers that feature art deco, geometric shapes, and 3D designs are gaining popularity. Also, modern floral wallpapers continue to rock the home decoration industry.

Breathe a New life to Your Home!

Decorating your home is a great way to make your home cozy and attractive. To give your home the best decoration, you should be up to date with the latest trends. Luckily there is a gazillion of attractive home décor designs today. If you are planning to give your space a new look, the above home décor ideas will prove helpful.

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