6 Tricks to Create a Contemporary Interior on a Budget


The contemporary style is dominating in the interior design style-stakes, with almost every home renovator wanting to incorporate at least some contemporary elements into their home makeover.

If you too want to emphasize a contemporary style in your home but want to know how to do it on a budget, here are six simple style tricks that can help you recreate the look without spending a fortune.

1. Concrete look tiles

Polished concrete and contemporary styling go together like cheese and wine, but unless you already have a concrete slab underfoot that would be suitable to grind and polish, you can still achieve the same aesthetic using concrete look tiles.

Even if you do have concrete underneath your existing floors, overlaying them with concrete look tiles may still prove to be the more affordable option.

2. Monochromatic base color palette

Unlike the bold color palettes that are so popular in retro and other design lines, contemporary design is all about monochromatic—and paint is an easy and affordable way to execute the style.

While you can absolutely incorporate color accents here and there as a feature in artwork or furnishings, you’re generally best placed to choose a neutral base color palette (preferably including whites and greys) that incorporates different shades of a single hue to create a clean and consistent aesthetic.

3. Natural materials

Often drawing inspiration from nature, most contemporary styles incorporate natural elements such as stone, timber, ceramics and metals into their design.

While adding things like natural stone countertops to your kitchen or hardwood flooring rarely come cheap, it’s always worthwhile considering the engineered alternatives for a more budget-friendly option. While in a bygone era the manufactured alternatives rarely stacked-up against the real thing, today’s versions have come a long way to the point that might not even be able to spot the difference!

4. Streamlined window coverings

Contemporary styling is all about clean lines, so if your windows are adorned with heavy or patterned fabric curtains, replacing them with some streamlined roller blinds or plantation shutters will instantly create a more contemporary look.

While custom-made window coverings can be expensive, see if you can find any pre-made or cut-to-size options which tend to be much more affordable.

5. Pared-back styling

The minimalist style which is so popular among Scandinavian and European styles also extends to contemporary design. While it’s common for contemporary styles to adopt a slightly moodier aesthetic compared to light-and-bright scandi design, it’s still important to pare back your styling.

Opt for bold yet simple furniture pieces and carefully edit styling pieces to remove any unnecessary or heavily-detailed decoration.

6. Indoor plants

Finally, plants are another design element which features heavily in contemporary styles. Not only do they add a softer, natural element to what might otherwise be a hard or clinical design, but they also add a pop of color while purifying the air in your home.

Opt for plants with different types of foliage in a combination of floor pots, pots on stands or shelves and hanging pots to create features at different levels throughout the home.



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