6 things you must know before starting home renovation


When you decide to renovate your home, you begin a journey made up of several steps, in which different figures come into play. Managing everything can be complicated, but everything will be easier if you start on the right foot. You can easily foresee some situations, others that you will hardly think about if you have never done any housework before.

1. Relying on professionals

Even if you have good taste in furnishing and decoration, these skills are not enough to replace you with a professional maler. Just as if you do well in manual work, thinking about redoing a floor yourself might not be a good idea. In summing up, you end up saving because you do not incur additional expenses to remedy unsuccessful attempts.

2. Know all the “secrets” of the house

Before proceeding with the house’s renovation, you need to know every little secret. If you’ve lived here for a long time, probably all the thornier sides have come up, while if it’s a recent purchase, you will need to do a thorough study. Even if the house is your property, you must first check that there are no constraints.

It is essential to understand if all the documents are compliant and if the town planning plans permit the work you carry out. Today there are many cases of inconsistency between the state of the places and the municipal/cadastral documentation. There are many cases in which the latter two do not correspond.

Better to be followed in this phase to avoid unpleasant surprises. If you need to buy the property to renovate, it is even better to do these investigations during the negotiation phase. It is then necessary to understand if there is humidity if there are drafts if there is a need to improve the acoustic insulation.

3. Understand your needs

The need for change is sometimes a spontaneous act, but for a successful restructuring without second thoughts, it is good to take the time to study every need and analyze your habits and requirements thoroughly. Before contacting a company that does the work, you need to know the use you will make of a room, the number of rooms you need, if you need an extra bathroom, or if you need to expand an environment.

Open or closed kitchen? Open space or more classic division? Your answer to these questions must be clear before starting the renovation. Explain to professionals exactly what you want, or you will risk finding yourself in front of a result that does not correspond to your expectations and desires.

4. Make a list of your priorities

In addition to analyzing your needs and desires before starting a renovation, you must know exactly how you want to divide your budget. You will therefore have to reflect on what is most important to you. It will help you inform insiders on what you want to invest more in and what you want to save instead.

5. Learn about the right to tax deductions

An incentive to renovate is certainly the possibility of taking advantage of the tax deductions provided for those who carry out interventions on their home. There are different types, and the conditions for obtaining them every year change.

In any case, it is always required that the payments are traceable and made by those who then go to make the tax return to take advantage of the deductions. It is, therefore, providential to inquire before starting work. Otherwise, it will be impossible to access the deductions.

6. Don’t necessarily choose the lowest quote

Last but not least: the estimates.

The first step in starting a renovation is always the request for quotes. Once obtained, it is necessary to evaluate and compare them to arrive at a choice. It is not an easy task, but some elements should alarm you and make it easy for you to understand which ones to be discarded.

For example, an estimate that is too low for the same number of works carried out, even if it is very attractive, may not be a good sign, just as an estimate that is not detailed enough may not turn out to be truthful. Trust in malerfirma for your home renovation.

It is also possible to access the eco-bonus. As for the expenses necessary for facade recovery or restoration interventions, it is possible to exploit all the interventions needed for extra restorations, such as anti-seismic measures, photovoltaic systems, energy efficiency interventions, etc.


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