6 maintenance tips for heat pump


Heat pumps are an excellent choice for your home’s heating and cooling needs. They are incredibly effective systems that can heat your home even during cold and cool it during the sweltering summer months.

By routine maintenance on your heat pump, you may save a lot of money by avoiding system problems and the need to replace your heat pump.

The heat pump is the external component, and the internal unit moves air throughout the house. Between the indoor and outdoor units, the compressor distributes the refrigerant, which absorbs and emits heat while containing it. Therefore, it is advised that you keep these two appliances dust-free and set them up so that the heat pump unit may circulate air easily.

1. Suitable Installation

To begin with, your heat pump needs to be elevated by four to six inches from the ground. This provides appropriate drainage and ensures that the ground does not impede the unit. Second, your heat pump shouldn’t be placed next to a dripping gutter.

2. Give a lot of space

Your heat pump will stop working if it is covered with snow, ice, overgrown vegetation, or yard debris. Every season, it’s a good idea to take some time to survey the environment around your unit.

The heat pump must clean any snow or ice accumulated during the winter. You should switch off your device and let it shut down entirely if a quick brushing is insufficient.

As soon as the snow and ice have melted, spray warm (not hot) water all over the appliance. Avoid using any tool to chip away the snow or ice because it can damage the heat pump. Restart the appliance once the snow and ice have been removed.

Keep grass, weeds, and other adjacent growth trimmed and out of the way throughout the other seasons. Additionally, you should remove any yard waste that may accumulate on or underneath your heat pumps, such as stray branches, fallen leaves, and other items.

3. Clean coils and fans on your own

The coils and fans of your heat pump need to be cleaned frequently because it is one of the easiest maintenance tasks you can complete on your own. It is crucial to keep the filters, coils, and fans clean to maintain smooth airflow because a lot of dirt collects in and around them. Filters, fans, and dirty coils reduce airflow through the heat pump process, occasionally lowering its performance and damaging the compressor. You can periodically clean the outdoor coils by turning off the fan to remove dirt. If the fins are bent, you should also put them back together.

4. Keep Your Environment Orderly

Always keep the area where your heat pump’s external installation is located as clean as possible. Additionally, ensure that your heat pump has at least 2 feet of clearance on either side for smoother airflow. When installing a heat pump, the outdoor unit is placed in the backyard or gardens, and over time, dirt, leaves, and other debris build up around it from the top and both sides. Wash off the snow and ice accumulated on the units, especially during the winter. You can quickly defrost the ice by turning off the appliance and, once it is entirely off, drenching it with hot water. Once all the ice and snow have been removed, you can utilize it.

5. Change or Clean Your Air Filter

Your primary job is to always keep an eye on the condition of your air filters regularly because they play a significant part in the optimal operation of your heat pump. Heat pumps feature air filters that need to be cleaned and replaced regularly, much like any other heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (probably every 2-3 months). They prevent a significant quantity of airborne dirt, contagious bacteria, and viruses from getting into and spreading throughout your home. If you don’t change or clean the reusable air filter in your heat pump, you could come into contact with dangerous bacteria and chemicals. You can detect the symptoms of diseases, including skin allergies, breathing troubles, and other respiratory problems, by doing this. Therefore, if you frequently encounter any of these, modify your filter.

6. Seek Expert Assistance

Get professional help to guarantee optimum heat pump performance. Amalo offers your heat pump the greatest possible supervision and upkeep from professionals in the field. You can contact them and arrange for a specialist to come to your house to perform a heat pump maintenance check. Getting professional maintenance also enables you to adhere to your warranty, reduces the risk of a complete system failure, and improves the function of your system as a whole. Additionally, you could save electricity by doing heat pump repair and annual maintenance on schedule. This maintenance advice for heat pumps will help you do heat pump maintenance effectively.


You can increase the lifespan of your heat pump by following the procedures indicated above. Additionally, there will be situations you cannot handle, when you will require professional aid. For many years, Martin Thorborg has offered crucial installation, upkeep, and repair services for heat pumps. With services like same-day services and live call centers, they make it easier for you.



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