5 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality


Good indoor air quality can improve your health and quality of life, but air pollution in your home can have a huge impact on your well-being. Unhealthy indoor air quality can lead to minor impacts, including ear, nose, and throat irritation, or even severe effects such as cancer and respiratory diseases.

Fortunately, giving a fling on improving indoor air quality can help you avoid these issues and keep you breathing fresh and clean air throughout the year. Here are some ways you can improve the air quality inside your home.

1. Inspect your air ducts

Air ducts help distribute cold and hot air throughout your home, providing comfortable living conditions in every room. However, if the ducts aren’t properly installed or maintained, they can distribute contaminants throughout the house. Eventually, dust, dirt, pet dander, or even mold may accumulate in your ductwork, reducing the overall indoor air quality. Hire a professional such as Williams Comfort Air Indianapolis for a duct cleaning service to ensure your ducts are circulating fresh, clean air.

2. Regulate humidity in your home

The hot summer months can bring about humid conditions depending on where you live. Unfortunately, too much moisture in your home can lead to mold, mildew, or bacteria, which may trigger respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies. Invest in a few high-quality dehumidifiers to lower the air’s moisture and prevent the growth of nuisance molds. There are various types of dehumidifiers that can help you maintain the correct humidity levels and create a comfortable living environment in your home.

3. Keep your carpets and rugs clean

Carpets and rugs increase the comfort of your home, but they can also collect dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other particles that can be kicked up with every step. Make sure you clean them regularly, ideally once a week, to help reduce build-up. You can also consider implementing a no-shoes household to prevent the build-up further.

4. Change your AC filters regularly

Your HVAC air conditioning systems work continuously to give your home that ideal temperature all year round. However, although they cycle through all the air, AC systems filter out some common air pollutants. Over time, their air filters may fill up and stop functioning properly. This causes trouble for indoor air quality and can also wear down your AC unit, leading to expensive repairs. Be sure to change your AC filters regularly or opt for an air conditioning service plan. This service plan typically involves a filter change, particularly if you are prone to allergy or live in an area with high pollution levels.

5. Add houseplants

Indoor plants are a perfect way to add life and visual appeal to your home, but they can also help increase oxygen and purify the air. These plants help filter the pollutants originating from inside your house, including those from furniture, cleaning products, carpets, and natural gas. Small plants such as ferns and lilies are great options to pull contaminants out of the air.


Improving your indoor air quality requires rigor and preventative measures. Taking these essential steps to prevent and lower certain pollutants can help improve indoor air quality in your home and reduce any related health risks. It’s also worth testing the air quality in your home if you are concerned about air pollution.

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