5 Things You Need to Make Your Own Home Theatre


An in-home theatre makes a perfect addition to any living space. Why? Because it allows you to experience the excitement included in a trip to the movies, without ever having to leave your home. Your home theatre can be as simple or extravagant as you choose, and will undoubtedly lead to the creation of wonderful new memories. It can be the perfect place to spend hours re-watching your favorite films or discovering new genres. This article will help walk you through the five main components to any home theatre: Seating, Sound systems, Viewing options, Screens, and Location. Simply keeping these elements in mind, you can rest assured that you have all the knowledge necessary to design your very own home theatre. 


The ideal location for a home theatre is a basement or spare room, however, one could be built in any available space with the proper adjustments. A square or rectangular room can provide the best auditory balance, whereas a uniquely shaped room may not deliver fully in that sense. A room somewhat separate from the rest of the house may be best, especially if you do not plan on soundproofing the room (although it is recommended!) Painting the walls and ceiling a darker color, and ensuring you have carpeted floors can enhance the viewing experience, by eliminating light and reducing the reverberation of sound respectively. Soundproofing can also improve the quality of your home-theatre, by minimizing the echoing of audio. 

Seating & Decor

A comfortable and inviting atmosphere is crucial for a home theatre. Seating can range from classic theatre chairs to a chic couch, depending on your stylistic preferences. Recliners are also an excellent option if you’re planning on spending lots of time in your theatre, as they provide both comfort and health benefits! Be sure to keep in mind the number of people that will generally be utilizing the room, and plan accordingly to ensure there is enough seating available. Another key thing to consider is other items which could be present in the room. A mini-fridge or cupboard of snacks, blankets for comfort, curtains to block out any light sources. If you really want the authentic experience, you can even include a popcorn machine to keep the room smelling like freshly made popcorn. The bottom line is that the interior design of your home theatre is half of the experience, so don’t be afraid to make it your own. You can go with a classic theatre look, or decorate it in a way that is inspired by your favourite films. 


Arguably the most important aspect of a home theatre is the screen for viewing. This could be a standard television, or could be a projector and screen duo. Either way, you will want something quite large, that will provide you with high-quality visuals. While projectors will give off a more classic theatre ambiance, a television may be the more practical choice for many individuals. Projectors tend to cost significantly more, due to the required screen to go along with it. Your screen could be wall-mounted or simply kept on a television stand, but ensure you account for any extra space required by extra furniture such as a stand. Wall-mounted TVs may be the better option for slightly smaller rooms, while many projector screens will require a larger space.

Sound system

Film enthusiasts have been known to say that your choice of sound system can make all the difference during a viewing. Sound is imperative in film, from dialogue to the musical score to sound effects. Audio is often used to set a film’s atmosphere and can be used to make scenes as technically intricate as possible. The higher the quality of your sound system, the more dramatic and rewarding the experience. Soundsystem options range from basic television audio, to surround sound with subwoofers to really amplify your auditory experience. Soundbars are also often recommended, due to their lightweight design, and enhanced sound quality. They are particularly efficient in the case of a home theatre because they replicate the theatre experience through a higher quality of audio delivery than that of a standard television. Check out this article which outlines the best soundbars for purchase, that won’t break the bank: https://wisepick.org/best-soundbars-under-300/


Consider what type of media you’re going to be consuming. Do you already have an extensive DVD collection in your home, or are you going to watch through a streaming service such as Netflix or Hulu? Choose whichever option your family prefers, but consider the differences between the two. Streaming devices tend to provide a wider range of options and can open doors to genres you may be unfamiliar with, but the monthly cost associated with an account is not appealing to everyone. They also get updated with new content regularly, which is perfect for those who want to watch something different every time. On the other hand, if you already own a DVD player and a collection of films, then that may be the more economical and sensible option for your home theatre. However, a DVD collection will require extra furniture for storage, such as a bookcase or cupboard. Be sure to consider this when designing the room’s layout and factor it into your budget.


Designing and bringing to life an in-house theatre is a simpler task than you might imagine, especially when you break it down into the essential components. Focus on the five key components listed above, and continue to build and upgrade your theatre from there. Keep your budget in mind when planning, and be sure to do thorough research about products to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. Most importantly, enjoy the creative process of designing your own theatre, be imaginative with it and really make it your own. A home theatre is sure to become one of your most frequently visited rooms in the house, and will certainly be a hub for comfort and enjoyment for years to come.

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