5 Nutritional Benefits of Red Wine Vinegar


Red wine vinegar is a must-have in the kitchen because it adds complexity to a dish. Surprisingly, it also has many nutritional benefits, giving you all the more reason to use it. If you still don’t have one in your kitchen, perhaps the following will change your mind.

1.   Helps in weight loss

Red wine vinegar may be made from fermenting wine, but it also contains acetic acid. Consuming a tablespoon or so of red wine vinegar before sleeping may suppress your appetite, leading to a reduction of belly fat. Additionally, it retains food in the stomach longer than usual, which causes the hunger hormone, ghrelin, to be delayed.

2.   Packed with powerful nutrients and antioxidants

Red wine, being the primary ingredient, is rich in polyphenol antioxidants which are great for repairing cellular damage and preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. This is also helpful for those who want to slow down aging. Red wine vinegar also has traces of key nutrients and minerals, including potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and various vitamins.

3.   Lowers blood sugar levels

Still owing to the acetic acid, red wine vinegar helps in digestion and regulating your blood sugar level because it slows down sugar absorption in the bloodstream. With this, red wine vinegar can be really good for those who are on a diet or combating obesity.

4.   Aids in cardiovascular health

The heart is a precious and delicate organ, that’s why it must be taken care of properly by consuming the right foods. Aside from acetic acid, red wine vinegar also has resveratrol that is a plant compound similar to an antioxidant. This helps in lowering cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and heart disease risks. It is also helpful for people who are dealing with heart palpitations.

5.   Good for the skin and hair

Good for the skin and hair

The antioxidants are already beneficial internally, including skin cells, but you can also use the vinegar externally for the same purpose. Red wine vinegar can be diluted with water then applied to the skin to remedy skin irritations or burns. Though, it is not recommended to put too much vinegar on the skin, especially on the face because it may be too harsh with its high acidity level. You can use it as a rinse for your hair, too. Don’t worry, the smell will go away after a day.


Red wine vinegar is good for one’s diet because you get to reap a ton of health benefits. It’s also delicious, so you can indulge in your food and stay healthy at the same time. Enjoyed this list? Let us know in the comments.

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