10 Weight Loss Myths and the Truth


So much has been said about weight loss that it seems hard to believe anything or add more to it. However, you can always turn to some reliable sources for guidance. Some years ago, the National Health Service (NHS) published an interesting article debunking various weight loss myths.

While the original article goes into too much depth, we bring you a brief rundown. These are some of the most common myths when it comes to weight loss. Make sure to do your research and consult your nutritionist or doctor for personalized advice.

Alternatively, we also have an extensive blog that covers all food-related stuff. You can explore the different topics on our site. Make sure to use a reliable and fast internet connection like CenturyLink Internet to make your internet usage experience lag-free. Here is the truth behind some weight loss misconceptions.

1.     Rigorous exercise regime

It is believed that following a rigorous exercise regime is the only way to lose weight, which is not exactly true. This doesn’t take into account the human tendency to avoid extremely uncomfortable situations. You’ll need to incorporate small changes and start with easier exercises that you can stick to for a long time. That is more likely to yield better results.

2.     Healthy food is costly

Another myth that is not always true. Healthier food doesn’t always mean that it’s going to be expensive. If you start to replace your unhealthier ingredients with healthier ones, you’ll soon realize that it doesn’t cost more than what you already consume.

Again, it depends on your locality as well, and some food items might cost more in some areas. Similarly, there’s a wide range of healthy food options going well into the expensive category, but you can choose the cheaper options as well.

3.     Carbs means putting on weight

Not all carbs are bad. Eating carbs in moderate quantities does not contribute to weight gain. Make sure that the carbohydrates are without any additives like sauces, cream, and butter. You can try eating whole-grain foods like brown rice and potato skins to maximize the fiber intake. Avoid fried food.

4.     Starving yourself

You’d think that starving yourself should do it, but that isn’t the case. You, in fact, might be missing out on healthier nutrients, which are essential to your body. Moreover, maintaining the kind of regime where you eat once in a while is unsustainable, and it can also lead to relapse. Similarly, starving yourself will lead to increased food cravings, which means you’re likely to eat more at your next meal.

5.     Food and metabolism

Your body needs its metabolism to function properly to survive. The problem arises when your metabolism slows down or speeds up. Since metabolism needs energy, the amount of energy every individual needs is different because of physical differences. There are conflicting opinions on whether some foods speed up your metabolism, so caution is advised.

6.     Slimming pills

You should be very careful when taking weight loss or slimming pills because of the associated health risks. Please do not consider taking any of the pills available in the market without any prescription and always consult your doctor. They might be able to prescribe safe medicines.

7.     Low fat doesn’t always mean healthier

The term low-fat does not necessarily mean that the food item has no fat. It only means that it has fats below the allowed quantity to get a low-fat label by the regulatory agency. Do your research and read the label before purchasing any of the low-fat or reduced-fat food items. Be wary of the sugar content as some of the low-fat items can contain high amounts of sugar.

8.     No snacks

Nobody is stopping you from munching on snacks when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s the type of snack that determines whether you’re taking in a ton of calories or not. As a general rule of thumb, avoid crispy, fried, processed, or things with high sugar or salt content. Not only can this satisfy your cravings, but also you won’t be gaining any weight.

9.     Drinking water

Water does not make you lose weight as it is just water and almost two-thirds of your body is already water. What it does is keep you hydrated and full so you don’t have much space to eat more snacks. Keep in mind that water is essential to our lives, and you should always stay hydrated.

10. Skipping meals

Skipping meals hardly helps in reducing weight. Normally, a person who skipped a meal is more likely to binge on food the next time they’re presented with a meal. This destroys the purpose of skipping the meal in the first place. Skipping meals can also make you more tired and unable to keep up with your day because you might be missing out on essential nutrients.


Now you know the truth behind weight loss. Remember that lowering your calorie intake and exercising more to burn more calories is the key to weight loss. This way you would be eating food that contributes to your weight loss and improves your health, and the exercise will help get you in shape.




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