10 Ways That Refrigeration Hire Offers Flexibility


Fridge trailer hire and cold room rental facilities are surprisingly versatile so if you think that there is just a one size fits all solution, prepare to be pleasantly surprised. And if you want reputable refrigerated coolrooms installations, click the given link.

  1. Fridge trailers, cold rooms and their freezer counterparts are delivered to site by the hire company and they can be positioned wherever they are most helpful to you. If you require a fridge trailer outside the kitchen door or a cold room in a side area adjacent to a function room, perhaps in an entrance or by a wedding marquee on a lawn, this is viable. The units vary in size and capacities so they can be tailored to the client’s needs. At peak times, it is recommended that the size unit required is pre-booked so that there are no compromises. Get what you want with no stress.
  2. Refrigeration facilities are run via mains power or with a generator. This can be immensely useful when mains isn’t an option. The hire company will provide the generator to meet your needs. Also, when the unit is powered up it will be ready for immediate use. You can ask for shelving to be placed as your unique needs demand.
  3. Cold rooms and fridge trailer units can be used in food environments, at exhibitions, in schools, entertainment venues, food markets and at country shows to keep human and livestock food cool. You may not realise that another key employment for these units is in medical and scientific spheres. When there are high volume health issues and pandemics, samples to be maintained and testing to be carried out, medications to be stored at a certain temperature, this is when normal capacity can be exceeded and additional facilities called in. Simple, convenient and cost effective, meaning that medics can get back to the vital tasks.
  4. Cold rooms and freezer rooms are static and often assembled on site. This takes away worries about whether the unit will fit indoors or through corridors. The hire company will assemble the room in the perfect position for your requirements. Once installed, the unit cannot be relocated during the hire so if you feel that your unit will be needed across several rooms or spaces, then it is best to opt for a fridge trailer which is on wheels.
  5. Trailer rental is kinder on your pocket than fridge van rental. There are no petrol costs or built in MOT and maintenance fees. You don’t need to employ a driver or become acquainted with a strange vehicle. Moreover, if there is a breakdown, it’s the hire company representative who gets delayed and not you, as you would if you were driving a fridge van. You’re busy, let others take the strain for you.
  6. Fridge trailers and cold rooms should always be well maintained, hygienic, look professional and meet all relevant legislation. That’s a lot of worry taken from your shoulders.
  7. Hire periods can be extended easily so if you initially hire for a two week peak in bookings but find that the increased flow of customers continues for a few weeks after this then costs are competitive and hire firms are unlikely to be unable to accommodate the additional rental. If you need a semi permanent or permanent solution but don’t want to make a purchase of equipment then rental delivers functionality and cost effectiveness.
  8. Refrigeration facilities can be hired for home events. Whether you’re having a summer party in the garden or a BBQ as autumn beckons, the blessing of the hire units is that they house the stock that a domestic fridge wouldn’t be able to.
  9. It helps to pre-book your fridge trailer but emergencies don’t give you that luxury. The leading refrigeration firms offer 24/7 emergency call out services so that in the event of the worst occurring, you don’t have to wait too long for a solution that preserves sanity and stock.
  10. Staff can walk in and work inside the refrigeration units without contravening regulations. Insurance is included by the best firms when you hire cold rooms or trailers.

It’s worth doing a little research and checking reviews from clients who have already used the firm you’re investigating. If you receive a quote which is significantly different from others you have this can be an indication that something is amiss. Cheap and cheerful can also mean desperate for business or that there have been issues so homework is wholly recommended. Ensure that you source the optimum hire experience. You deserve to operate with peace of mind.

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