10 Space-Saving Dorm Room Ideas


Living in the dormitory room is an integral part of life for any college student. The majority of students associates the college times with negative experience due to the uncomfortable living conditions. Thinking about the tiny rooms and not enough space makes students go into panic mode. We should reassure your fears of inconvenient living in the dorm room. Here are ten lifehacks that can help to save space in your room.

Use Space to the Maximum

The first thing that comes to mind after reading this headline is to fill the room with everything without living any free space. By the way, the true meaning for this tip is to use the space wisely and effectively. For instance, you can use the area under and over your bed. It is better to place some things, which you do not need in your daily routine, under the bed. For example, first aid kit, sheets, and towels can rest under your bed and wait for your attention. The space over your bed is also important. Use an over-bed shelf to place such things as books and other staff for studying. Moreover, you can clip on a lamp into the shelf for convenient reading.

Bed Risers for Giving Extra Storage Space

In case if you do not have enough space under your bed, you can use bed risers for extra storage. This simple trick is the effective way of storing things under your bed. What is more, this tool can have multiple purposes. There are specific bed risers with USB outlets embedded. Amazing, right? This tool can help to make the charging process effective and convenient. Hence, bed risers are useful for saving free space and making life more comfortable.

Organizers are Your Best Friends

There are various types of organizers aimed to help you in saving your space. For example, you can use the over-door organizer for additional storage of your notebooks, books, and so on. Besides, drawer organizers are helpful for keeping pens or makeup staff. If you are fond of handicraft, you can make and design the organizers for anything by yourself. Undoubtedly, the organizer is a useful tool for saving space.

Leave Some of Your Clothes at Home

Maximalism is not a good idea for storage of clothes in your dorm room. There is a need to bring all your clothes with you, just leave some clothes, for example for summer, at home and then switch them the next semester. In case if you live very far from home, you can ask relatives to send the clothes for you.

Vacuum Bags for Seasonal Clothes

Vacuuming is one more effective way to save space in your room. Undoubtedly, a vacuum bag is a perfect tool to cut the space down. By the way, this tip is useful for storing clothes which you do not need in everyday life. For instance, you can use vacuum packing to store your winter clothes. This tip is useful for making the clothes more compact that is beneficial for saving space.

Mount a Shelf or Multiple Shelves

The shelf is a simple and inexpensive way to save space in a tiny room. Be creative; you can use shelves not only for books or studying staff but also for cosmetics, elements of clothes, and accessories. Undoubtedly, you can put everything you want on shelves to save free space. It is also possible to decorate the shelves to make them more adorable. Anyway, space-saving can be not only useful but also creative.

Organize Your Cords

It is vital to keep everything organized to save space. Thus, you should organize everything in your room. Cords are an integral part of our life; more gadgets you have, more cords requires effective storage. Roll tubes can help to organize your cords and make them compact for placing anywhere in your room. There should be no messy cables and other clutter to create the illusion of free space.

Think Vertically

As is mentioned above, it is vital to use the space to the maximum. You can use each corner in the dorm room, as well as space over the doors, bed, and so on. For example, an over-the-door shelf is a useful tool to create extra space. Besides, these shelves are an effective way of storing all types of things. Place your shoes on this shelf and you will have much more free space in the room. The floor free of shoes will provide free space for different types of activities, such as yoga or exercising.

Use Hooks for Everything

A hook is a simple and great tool for saving free space. This device is more compact than shelves and can be useful for storing accessories or clothes. Undoubtedly, this idea is useful to avoid additional clutter in the room. You can also use hooks for decorating the room – just hang artwork or picks.

Be creative!

Creativity is essential for saving free space and creating a comfortable atmosphere in the dorm room. Each of the mentioned methods can be both tools for storing and decoration. You can also apply some DIY tips to make organizers or shelves by yourself. If you are lack of creative ideas, like experts from WritingCheap sometimes, use their life-hack – search for inspiration online. Find creative resources and pay attention to small details of interior you can use in your room.

Final Word

We hope that living in a tiny dorm room won’t be a great problem for you anymore. If you need some ideas for making your room comfortable – just recollect some tips from our blog. Remember that space-saving is an effective way to make life in the dorm room comfortable.

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