10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Painter


Before hiring a painter, you must do thorough research on them. Not taking the time to do this research can lead to many problems down the line.

To make your hiring process easy, house painters San Diego, we have compiled a list of questions you should ask any painting contractor before signing a contract. 

Do You Offer a Written Warranty?

In making inquiries about a painting company, it’s essential to ask them if they offer warranties. Suppose they do; what kind do they offer? 

There are two main categories of warranties offered by painting companies; interior and exterior painting warranties. Each of these has its unique importance. And the kind you will be getting is primarily determined by the part of the building you are painting. 

Do You Have A Clearance Certificate?

All certified painting companies are expected to have a Clearance Certificate from the Workers Safety Insurance Board. If you hire a contractor that doesn’t have one, any of their staff gets injured while working on your project. You may be held liable for the painter’s future and current wages as well as medical bills. So hiring a painting company without a WSIB clearance certificate is not an option. 

How Many Years Have You Been In Business?

Before hiring a painting contractor, it’s essential to consider their level of experience. A minimum of five years of professional painting experience is excellent, but you should never consider a painting contractor with no experience whatsoever in the field. Choosing a painting contractor with various certifications related to their field also matters. 

Do You Have References, Client Testimonials & Good Reviews?

Don’t ever mistake hiring a painter without checking their reviews. With a smartphone within your reach, it’s easy for you to check their company website for this or use a search engine. 

Notably, only focus on the most recent reviews and ensure these reviews are genuine. You can also try speaking with any of their past clients to hear about their experiences with them directly. 

Do You Have Liability Insurance?

Liability Insurance is essential to every business, especially those offering construction-related services. So you must always ensure that the painting company you choose has their liability insurance documents up to date and readily available. 

If the painting contractor doesn’t have insurance, you will be the one to pay for any accidents or problems that could arise during their carrying out their job. 

Where Are The Samples Of Your Previous Painting Jobs?

You can know how good your painting contractor is from checking out samples of their most recent painting jobs. Before & After photos or videos are a great way to ascertain the quality of work done. 

By going through samples of your painting contractor’s previous jobs, you can also get new ideas for your painting project or tips to improve the style you’ve chosen. 

Do You Have A Local Business Address Or Just A Business Card?

In this age, many painting companies operate without a physical location. Although this could be a great way to save costs for them, it makes it challenging to trace them in case of any problems later on. So it’s advisable to choose a painting company with a physical business address. 

Do You Use Quality Products?

It’s not enough that your painting contractor tells you they use quality materials for painting. They should have proof to back up their statement because that’s the only way you can rest assured that their work will turn out nice. No matter how nice a painting style looks in a picture, it won’t come out nice if it’s not done with high-quality paint products. Ensure any painting company you intend to hire uses reputable paint brands. 

When Will You Start And Finish My Work? 

Suppose you have a painting project that needs to be done within a specific period. In that case, it’s essential to ask your painting contractor if they’ll be able to finish within that period and include it in the property painting contract. It’s crucial to choose a painting contractor who will stick to the time you both agreed on. 

Do You Provide A Criminal Record Check? 

Since some painting companies hire external contractors to do their job, you can never be too sure of the record of the person they are sending over. So to prevent any problems, it is best to ask them to provide you with a criminal record before letting them into your home for whatever reason. 

All reputable painting companies should provide a Clearance Badge to their employees.

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