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What to Do Before and After Pest Control Treatment

What to Do Before and After Pest Control Treatment

Despite being unwelcome guests in our homes or business premises, pests never get the cue to leave despite several attempts at kicking them out. Hiring professional Pest Control Maidstone services is always a perfect way to deal with stubborn pests. However, they may linger around and come back even after pest removal if you don’t take steps to keep them out. Keeping pests at bay is not a one-time affair; it’s a continuous process that should be consciously maintained. If you have a nagging pest infestation in your home and would like to engage professionals to help you mitigate them, you’re probably wondering what to expect and how to prepare for the process. Well, worry no more. This article will provide you with elaborate details of what you should do before and after pest control treatment.

1. What to do Before Pest Control Treatment

Most pest control companies often use environmentally-friendly treatments that are also safe to use around people and pets. You don’t have to vacate your home, but there are some things you can do to ensure the process is quick and every pest-prone area is treated. Below are some of them.

Move Furniture Away

For maximum efficiency of the treatment process, decluttering for easy access by pest control technicians is paramount. Furniture and any other bulky stuff within the home should be moved away from the walls to expose pest hideouts. You can group similar items in one area and cover things such as electronics as they can be sensitive to the treatment methods being used. If your pest infestation problem involves termites, it’s best to move all wooden furniture out of the house for separate treatment.

Pack Essential Belongings

Clothes and other essential belongings such as your kids’ toys and other toiletries should be covered in plastic bags and packed away to free up space within the home. You can store them inside cabinets or cupboards if possible or move them out of the house. You also don’t want pesticides getting on them.

Clear the Kitchen and Dining Area

It’s pertinent to keep all utensils safely away from potential contamination by the treatment methods being used. Clear the sink as it’s one of the places to be disinfected during the treatment process. All electrical appliances within the kitchen, such as the toaster and mixer, should be protected by a plastic covering.

Protect Your Pets

Pets are sensitive to a majority of pest treatment methods available. To protect them, ensure that they are kept away from the house during the process. Also, don’t forget to move out all your pet’s paraphernalia from the house to avoid potential allergic reactions from the treatment solutions.

Cover Paintings and Other Decorations

Your treasured paintings may be affected by the treatment solutions to be used. Move them away or secure them entirely with plastic bags. This should include other decorations such as flower pots and other decorative vegetation. Move them out if they are impossible to wrap.

2. What to Do After a Pest Control Treatment

There are many general steps you can take after a pest control treatment is completed. However, there could be some specific measures to take depending on the pests and your pest control specialist’s treatment method. They will give you suggestions along with any potential risks associated. Let’s go through some of the essential everyday things to do after the treatment.

Wait for Recommended Time

After the treatment process is done, it’s always advisable to give the treatment solutions time to take effect on the pests. As per the suggestions of your pest technician, you might have to wait for a couple of hours before moving back into the house.

Don’t Clean Your House

It’s also pertinent not to clean the house soon enough after moving in to maximize the efficacy of the pest treatment. You’ll be advised by your pest technician how long until you can clean the house.

Discard Left Over Food

Any leftover food within the house should be discarded as it might have been contaminated during the process. This is regardless of whether the treatment method used was organic. Such food isn’t safe either for your family or pets.

Be on the Lookout for Pests

Lastly, keep looking out for pests in the days following the treatment. Ensure to clear them out regularly as dead pests may attract other pests leading to another infestation soon after. It’s also important to identify places that are more prone to pest infestation and always focus more on them when doing regular cleaning.


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