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What $325 Buys You for Site Signage?

What $325 Buys You for Site Signage

Think of which professions you would consider to be inherently the most dangerous.

Was construction close to if not number one on the list? That assumption definitely isn’t without merit, on both sides of the fence.

According to SafeWorkAustralia.gov.au, there were 183 fatalities at work in 2019; of those, 26 were in construction. That puts them at about 20% of the total fatalities that year, which is no fact to sneeze at. And, that isn’t even saying anything about the number of serious injuries!

The Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022 identified the top five industries experiencing traumatic injury fatalities and marked them as a priority, one of them being construction. Its goals are to reduce the number of serious injuries by 30% and the number of work-related fatalities by 20% next year. Thanks to initiatives like this, statistics regarding construction have been trending downward the past few years, but even one injury or fatality is one too many.

Since this effort was launched, Safe Work Australia, each jurisdiction, unions, and organization have all been working tirelessly to find solutions to curb these incidents and regularly submit amendments to this legislation. However, of course, these laws are completely useless if each worker on a construction site doesn’t diligently pay attention to and follow them. To truly make a meaningful impact, workers from top to bottom need to be diligent and focused.

Safety Signage

Signage needs to be posted preferably at eye level anywhere there could be a hazard on a site. Beyond that, signs should also be utilized to highlight where important safety features are, like exits, First Aid kits, or fire extinguishers. There are several different kinds, classified by SafeWork Australia, but the important thing to keep in mind is that they are all required.

Most likely, signage won’t prevent all injuries on a job site, but having an “adequate” amount set up properly just might save you from either having to pay out worker’s compensation, finding a replacement labourer, or both.

Many companies will sell you custom corflute signage in bulk, and that price drops drastically depending on exactly how many you buy. Pricing ranges between $4 and $50 AUD.

Mandatory Signs

These are for little reminders that are absolutely necessary to be in an area. Examples would be ‘eye protection must be worn’ or ‘must wear a hard hat at all times.’ This is represented with a blue circle around a white picture.

Warning Signs

These signs indicate to proceed with caution, but conditions are not life-threatening. This is represented with a yellow background and usually has black lettering.

Emergency Signs

These indicate where emergency facilities are and where emergency equipment is located within a site, except for one piece. They typically have either white writing or a picture inside of a green square.

Fire Signs

Specifically, these signs alert workers to the location of fire-fighting equipment, like extinguishers and blankets. The signs themselves are very loud and in your face, as they should be. They have a red background with white lettering or pictures.

Prohibition Signs

This sign is standard at every entrance to a job site. It lets you know what isn’t allowed beyond its point. A well-known example would be ‘no unauthorized access.’ These have a white background, a red circle with a tilted bar through the centre, and black lettering.

Danger Signs

These indicate that a certain area is experiencing conditions that could potentially be life-threatening, like ‘high voltage.’ Danger signs have the word written out in white lettering inside a red oval over a black background.


Hoarding is another very important safety feature that is required of every construction site. It surrounds a job site to keep the public from entering a hazardous zone, internal, testy conditions from affecting the public, and it gives the company the chance to build intrigue for their new business.

Safework Australia’s statistics from 2019 also point to the fact that bystanders have been fatally injured near construction sites, too, 39 to be exact. However, the report notes that because it is difficult to report all important relevant information without a specific program overseeing things, such as worker’s compensation, this specific statistic should be considered an undercount.

Either way, ensuring the safety of the public is just as crucial as ensuring your workers’ safety.


This kind of hoarding is typically used for larger construction sites. A company can also use these for promoting a brand, for example, by painting it in brand colours. It is a secure option, but timber can be easily warped and left vulnerable to snapping by the contentious climate down under, leaving a site open to burglars and trespassers.

Because of this, maintenance fees are somewhat pricey, but upfront fees are low due to rapidly decreasing timber prices. It is also an ethically sourced option.


Steel is a very convenient option that can be easily assembled and even re-used for up to 3 years. For that reason, it is very cost-effective. This type of hoarding can also be easily used for advertising. Luckily, FenceWrap banner prices are quite affordable, too. An added bonus of advertising this way is that by directing the public’s attention to a project, they are more likely to avoid it.

Water-Filled Base

Using hoarding with this kind of base is quite convenient. Not only are they a freestanding option that interlocks to hold steady, but since they are only heavy and stable when filled with water, they can be easily moved.

Concrete Base

Similar to hoarding with water-filled bases, concrete bases can be easily assembled, and therefore can cut down on labour costs. They are also one of the sturdiest and most dependable options.

So, what will $325 get you in site signage?

It can get you everything you need to keep your workers safe, at least. Outside the perimeter, not so much, but investing in all aspects of safety will definitely purchase peace of mind, and that’s priceless!

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