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Tips to Check the Construction Quality of Your Home

Tips to Check the Construction Quality of Your Home

Purchasing a home is such a demanding process. With all the various properties in the market, it can become overwhelming and you end up failing to look for the best quality house. You might also opt for the cheaply priced properties as you are looking to spend some time. However, a few years down, you might have to spend even more as you repair cracked walls, and look for ways to manage cold floors.

Here are the ways to check the construction quality of the home when house hunting.

Determine the soil type 

The type of soil is the easiest way to determine the home quality. Different locations come with varying soil types, and not all types are ideal for various types of houses. For example, the clay rich soil and the black cotton are known to crack when it gets dry. They are also shaky during the rainy season hence comes with less bearing. This means houses on such soil are at a high risk of collapsing after some time.

The best soil for home construction is the chalky, loamy, and sandy soil types. They allow water to drain away fast while remaining firm.

If you are considering buying a house in places with shaky soils, confirm the soil at the actual construction site was replaced with the ideal one.

Check the structural design 

The structural design of the house is another aspect that determines the home’s quality. Inspect the various structures like the roof, walls, beams, and columns for the strength and stability of the structure.

Determining the quality of the structural design by yourself can be difficult if it’s your first time interacting with a house inspection. Look for a professional to help you understand the design as drawn by the architecture. It’s also crucial that you understand the home’s earthquake resistance levels. You are better off with Burwood real estate built to withstand the all year round climatic changes.

Insist on sound paperwork 

All the properties promise top quality whenever coming up with a project. However, not all of them ever bother to fulfill the promises. Some in a bid to lower costs or to attract more buyers use low-quality materials. They will still not reveal having used the substandard items. Therefore, the only way to keep safe is by insisting on documentation.

Have a record of a schedule of amenities and other specifications related to windows, flooring, electrical fittings, and roofing materials. Also, look for approvals from the local authority for the construction. Massive projects are highly regulated and need various construction approvals.

This is the only way to ensure quality homes most so when you cannot inspect the structure as a beginner.

Check fittings and fixtures quality 

A quality home invests in top-quality fitting and fixtures in the house. They are what differentiates a basic home from a luxurious one. When inspecting the house, move around the kitchen and the bathroom to ensure all the fixtures are operational. Confirm that the switches, taps, sinks, drainage pipes, and other fixtures are in place. Avoid any property where the owner wants you to commit with a promise to install other fixtures later.


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