Home Home Guides The Ultimate Guide to Pest-Proofing Your Home

The Ultimate Guide to Pest-Proofing Your Home

Halyomorpha halys

Insects maybe fascinating to some but it is a universal agreement that they do not belong inside your home. As the temperature drops to minus level, not only people but insects as well look for warm places to settle in. Amongst them stink bugs, rodents and stinging insects tend to be the most common. The problem with these creatures is that they need a place to survive the winters.

Therefore, any location that experiences minimum human traffic is the most suitable for them. It could be your basement, walls, and even wooden items. Moreover, a bigger problem is that these things carry diseases, which could be serious for your kids and pet animals. Therefore, it is important that you keep your house pest-free to avoid potential harm.

Types of Pests

Stink Bugs

As the name suggests, stink bugs are known for their notorious disgusting smell. These insects look for warmer places, especially during winters. Even though they do not pose a threat to anyone in terms of diseases or damage to the property but over time their smell could become a nuisance.



Ants are always in search of food. The workers work 24/7 to bring food to the queen. Furthermore, ants tend to hibernate during the winters so the fall season is the only time they have to store food. Inside the house, the ants would most commonly be found in the kitchen, which contains everything they need i.e. food and water.



Rats and mice are known to be clever creatures. They do not wait for the winter season to arrive so that they begin searching for warm locations. Instead, as soon as the weather cools, they begin running around in search of the perfect place. Closets, walls, and pantries are the most common hideouts for these things. If you experience or observe gnawing in door frames or walls, then it is possible that intruders have made their way in. If the situation is not taken into consideration, you could end up with your wires being chewed and diseases being transferred.

Stinging Insects


Fall is that time of the year when stinging insects are more likely to be seen. The reason being, during the winter season food, becomes scarce as the flowering process of flowers stops and prey insects diminish as well. As a result, stinging insects shift to artificial food sources and that is why they turn to your backyard picnics and other events.

Ways to Keep Your Home Pest-Free

Seal the doors

Sealing the doors is the same as preventing any intruder from entering your house. From a distance, your doors might look at their best but if you were to observe closely, you would be surprised to find the number of gaps and holes through which insects can make their way through. You could add a door sweep under the door to close the gap existing between the floor and the door’s bottom end. Additionally, you could install a weather strip as well. Furthermore, if you have a garage door, make sure there are no holes or gaps to allow the entry of insects. Lastly, keep your doors closed when not in use. Unnecessarily keeping the doors open will be an open invitation for the insects.

Install Window Screens

Everybody loves a bit of sun and fresh air every once in a while during the winter season. It is not possible to remain tucked inside your room without natural light and air. Unluckily, as you open the windows to allow fresh air to come in, there are flying insects waiting to make their way in. Therefore, it is essential to install the windows screen if you wish to enjoy the natural air and sunlight. Make sure that the window screen is strong enough to keep things such as rodents out. They can break through in most cases and that could become a huge problem. Check out flyscreenrepairs.com.au to get your screens repaired or find better screens.

Maintain the Yard

The yard is a primary source of pests invading your house. For instance, mosquitoes tend to thrive at such locations and will reproduce in thousands. Since most mosquitoes breed in water, you need to make sure that the yard does not contain standing water. Furthermore, your drainage routes need to be clear so that the water can exit. If there is grass, it is important that you maintain by trimming it regularly to prevent it from becoming an ideal location for breeding, habitation, and reproduction.

Fix the cracks

As house ages, it tends to develop cracks. These cracks are sufficient for mice and ants to squeeze through. Regularly inspect your house for cracks particularly during the winter season when pests are in dire need of warm locations. Regardless of the type of cracks, you should immediately get down to getting them fixed. Furthermore, look for any wooden items that are rotten and throw them away. Abandoned and moist wood is a feast for carpenter ants and termites that can easily make them at home.

Cover the openings

Having a fireplace during the winter season is a blessing. Not only do you get to keep yourself warm but spend some time with friends and family members as well. However, what most people do not realize is that the chimneys are also a great getaway for many pests. Cover the chimneys with a strong mesh, which can hold strong and clever animals such as raccoons and squirrels at bay. Additionally, air conditioning units tend to be excellent entry points for pests as well. Make sure that you cover them when not in use.

Final Word

Just like humans, insects need food and water to survive. If you were to cut their food supply and cover the hiding spots, chances of them invading your house drop significantly. Of course, the best thing would be to prevent infestation by keeping the pests out entirely. Therefore, it is essential that you cover the openings, fix the cracks, and seal the doors, etc. to keep your house pest-free.

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