Home Blog Indoor The Different Types of Modern Radiators Interior Designers Love

The Different Types of Modern Radiators Interior Designers Love

The Different Types of Modern Radiators Interior Designers Love

A couple of years back, radiators were just pieces of metal placed in homes for the function of providing heat. Today, technology has brought new, advanced radiators; modern radiators, also called designer radiators. These are more than just functional heat providers.


Far from being just another technical heating item, it is now a desirable decorative statement piece, in its own right. They come in different shapes, colors, designs, styles, and more. And they all also come at different prices, depending on multiple different things.

Types of Modern Radiators

Here are some of the popular modern radiators;

Type of the Radiator

One of those things is the type of radiator. Modern radiators are designed differently to meet different needs, styles, and functions. Here are some of them;

Tall Radiators

Tall radiators, also called vertical radiators, are just what the names make them seem like; tall and thin. Unlike horizontal radiators, these ones take up less space and have a small surface area. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and designs.

They are great for small bare spaces in just about any room whether it is the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, or even living room. All you need to do is know your interior design, study your styles and designs and find one to fit your themes and enhance the appearance.

Central Heating Modern Radiators

Just like the name suggests, central heating modern radiators are the type you install at the central section of your room, or just another section of your house to provide heat to multiple rooms or a number of spaces in your home.

You can choose just about any type, color, design, shape, and style. The only downside to these radiators is that they could leave cold portions or patches around your home. Depending on the size of the home, they may not be able to evenly distribute heat all around.

  • Column Radiators

Column radiators, also called vertical radiators, are next to vertical radiators. And with the rapid advancement in technology, they come in different designs and styles every day and are rapidly rising to popularity. This is a great option if you have a larger surface area and need more heat.

Unlike vertical, they take up a little bit more space across the walls as they have a wider surface. Otherwise, they are efficient, long-lasting, and come in a variety of options. You can get them in just about any color you want and different materials to fit your design.

  • Electric Radiators

Designer or modern electric radiators bring electric heating into the modern world, in style. They have a high precision heating control, are space-saving, and no less than a statement piece in your home to me too.

This is because they come in multiple varieties in terms of styles, designs, and colors. You can also fit them in just about any room you need to. The finish also comes in a variety including smooth curves, slim aluminum, and bright white finish, all at your disposal.

  • Cast Iron Radiators

You probably have heard about the traditional cast iron radiators, but have you heard about modern cast iron radiators? If you are looking to get a little of both worlds then this is your best option; character, personality, efficiency, and style. They not only keep your home cozy and warm but also make it look the part.

Get them in detail and bold, to a simpler and more effective style. Or, you might also go for something more authentic and traditional for your adventurers-themed home or something bright and bold, for a modern and classy look.

  • Flat Panel Radiators

These are simple, clean, and crispy. If you are looking to keep things simple and modern, then this is your best option. They maximize your wall space as they only take up a little width. This means you are also left with more space to fit in your other decorative items.

Adding one or two of these in your living room will complete your sleek interior. Bold and bright colors are eye-catching and even the simple white-grey will still steal the center statement of the room.

  • Mirror Radiators

Talk of multi-purpose radiators? Nothing could be more modern than mirror radiators. Apart from their function as a radiator, they also function as a mirror in your home. This enhances the look of the room and acts as a decorative piece.

They come in different shapes and sizes including vertical mirror radiators, full-length mirror radiators, and more. Types can get them in sleek black or smooth grey finishes and place them in just about any room of your choice. It could be your bedroom, bathroom, or even living room.

Other factors that affect the price of your radiator’s part from the types include the size, material, and of course the brand. Different manufacturers and brands price differently.

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