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Stressed about moving to a new town? Keep your stress at bay with these tips

Stressed about moving to a new town Keep your stress at bay with these tips

Moving to a new town is an exciting yet overwhelming process – You get to start a new life, have more work opportunities, and the chance to make the new place feel like your own. The initial days of your move will be pretty exciting when you gather packing supplies fill up moving boxes while psyching yourself up for the days to come.

However, sooner rather than later, the hard work will start, and you’ll realize that what you thought would only take a few minutes will take hours or even days. That said, if you’re constantly moving from place to place, you will start to notice a pattern.

Finally, when you’re finished packing and the moving day arrives, you’ll start to stress. After all, you would want everything to goes as smoothly as possible, and even the smallest of hiccups could result in disaster when it comes to your move.

That said, we don’t want to paint a doom and gloomy image because everything will work out for you. However, it is a documented fact that moving can lead to stress. So, it will be wise to know what issues to expect and how to tackle them.

So, without further, listed below are a few ways you can keep stress at bay while moving to a new town.

Hire a moving company early on

Depending on the location of your move, it will be a challenge to hire a moving company a couple of days before the moving day. After all, most homeowners will try to schedule their moving day during the holidays or weekends to give themselves some extra time. So, it is vital to start your hunt early.

To make moving easier, go online and get free resources for moving companies. Doing so will allow you to ensure that you hire a moving company that doesn’t overcharge you or causes damage to your property.

Shortlist a few companies and read up online reviews and testimonials from previous customers about their service quality. In the end, research is a must when selecting a moving company.

Make an inventory checklist

Sometimes your move will involve tons of things to remember and do. So, it won’t be easy to keep track of every household item or belongings without the help of an inventory checklist. To avoid stress, create an inventory checklist along with a to-do list.

A checklist will allow you to ensure every item is accounted for. On the other hand, the to-do list will enable you to jot down tasks you need to do before, during, and after your move.

Moreover, when you reach your new home, an inventory checklist will allow you to know whether or not something was left behind. If it’s not on the list, chances are you probably forget about it. However, a checklist will reduce the chances of errors and mistakes tenfold. So, make one!

Declutter beforehand

Cleaning your house of any unwanted, unnecessary, or old items before moving will allow you to save stress and time along with tons of cash. In addition, by throwing away, recycling, or donating things you longer use, you will cut down on the number of items you need to pack and move.

After all, the more stuff you have, the more hours and moving trucks you will need.

That said, some items might be difficult to part ways with, so if such an instance arises, you can always utilize a storage unit to store items that have sentimental value temporarily. Then, once you’re done moving, you can take these items out and place them inside your new home!

Make a packing plan in advance

Packing usually takes more time than what people expect, which is why it is crucial to start packing ASAP. For example, after you’ve decluttered and got rid of items you no longer need, the next thing to do would be to pack items from the rooms you use the least.

Furthermore, pack up these under-utilized rooms and store the packed moving boxes inside them to know which one contains items from which room.

As far as labeling moving boxes go, a sharpie or masking tape will do the job. You can stick the masking tape on top of every moving box and label them according to the rooms. For example, if a moving box contains kitchen utensils, you can mark it as ‘Kitchen Stuff.’

Furthermore, try not to stuff these moving boxes. It might be tempting to fill them up to the brim to reduce the number of moving boxes you need to move. However, A better approach will be to utilize heavy boxes of small items and little boxes for heavier items.

Doing so will prevent the moving boxes from coming apart and hurting the individual carrying them, damaging your belonging in the process.

Pack a survival kit for moving day

It would be best to ensure you have packed a moving day survival kit before the big day comes around. Such a kit of essentials must contain items that will help you when your stuff isn’t accessible throughout the moving day.

Typically, a survival kit should include snacks, water bottles, phone accessories such as chargers and headphones, toiletries, and any item that is a part of your daily routine.

After all, it is vital to have easy access to items that will allow your day to go smoothly, keep yourself well-hydrated, and stress-free, whether or not you’re moving.

Take things slowly

Moving day will be a big deal for any homeowner, and they will want it to be over with as quickly a possible. However, this will leave you exhausted and gasping for air. So, it is a must to set realistic expectations and take everything with a grain of salt.

After all, moving is a marathon, not a sprint. When you try to pack and unpack moving boxes as quickly as possible, you will probably end up tiring yourself, lowering your energy levels.

So, take some time to relax, especially when you reach your new home, and refrain from unpacking moving boxes. You will have a lot of time to do that later. Plus, your survival kit will do the job and get you through the day anyways.


Life is already full of stressors, and a move to someplace new will add more stress to your already stressful life. However, you should accept everything that comes your way and ensure that you follow the tips mentioned above. Doing so will enable you to enjoy the good side of moving and avoid its stresses.


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