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Rekeying VS Changing Locks- Which One Is Best?

Rekeying VS Changing Locks- Which One Is Best?

We all want to lead a secured life. Apart from all other things, our home’s locking system is a vital part of ensuring that security.

Sometimes it just requires changing a key, and sometimes you may need to change the lock. If you want to know rekeying VS changing locks- which one is best, then you have to read the writing. As here, we are going to converse about both along with some other factors.

Difference Between Rekeying VS Changing Locks

Before dig into the deep, you have to have a vivid idea about the difference between the process. So let’s know the difference between them.


In rekeying, you will keep the same locking system but will change the key to another key, which fits in the lock. To elaborate, the lock will remain the same, but the inner system of the lock will be altered so that a new key can be used.

A professional locksmith will change the internal pins and springs in the lock cylinder at the time of rekeying. If you look at the key, you will see the ridges, and those are markings that represent the appropriate lock’s internal pins and springs.

Arrangement of those parts matches the key, which led to unlocking the door. In the rekeying process, those parts are rearranged in the lock cylinder. After rearranging, the previous key won’t work anymore, and a new key can be fitted.

For rekeying, the present key should be along with you. If you have lost the key, but you have one spare key, or someone from your family has the duplicate key, it will work as well.

However, without the original key rekeying can be done. But it will cost you more.

Changing Locks

On the contrary, changing a lock requires an entirely different process. Here, the whole lock will be removed physically. The locksmith will unscrew the lock, then remove the deadbolt and lock mechanism and install a new lock at the place of the previous one.

Rekeying a lock is more affordable instead of replacing it. Sometimes, at the time of rekeying, it can provide you hint if replacing the lock is needed.

Rekeying VS Changing Locks- Which One Is Best?

Which option is best for you? The fact is, without knowing your situation, we can’t tell you that. Instead, here, we will portray some situations when rekeying should be done and when replacing should be done. The rest of the things will depend on your preferences. If you are looking for complete locksmith services, just contact the professional locksmith Brunswick.

When Should you Rekey?

The followings are some situations when rekeying a lock is the perfect deal-

  • If you have lost your key and don’t know who has access
  • If you have moved into a new house and don’t know who has the key
  • If you have gone through recent separation from your partner
  • If a third party has a spare key
  • If you several duplicate copies of key

Moreover, if you want to protect your home at the same time want an affordable solution, then rekeying the lock is the perfect option for you.

When Should you Change the Lock?

In the following circumstances changing the lock is more suitable than rekeying:-

  • If your lock is broken, old and corroded
  • After facing robbery at the home
  • If you have several types and brands of locks at your house
  • If you want to upgrade the lock system such as- to the digital lock system

Changing locks may require more cost than rekeying, and it is not always necessary to replace the lock. If you are confused still, which one would be best for then contact locksmith. For Serrurier Bruxelles, you can contact us. We will ensure the best service for you.

Final Words

Rekeying is just altering some arrangements in the internal part of the lock so that the previous key can’t open the door, whereas replacing the lock needs to change the lock physically and to install a brand new one. In some situations, you might need to rekey your lock, and sometimes to change the lock is preferable.

I hope after reading the article now, you know the exact difference between rekeying VS changing locks and also can guess which one will be best for you. Even if you can’t guess, don’t be worried. At the Serrurier Bruxelles, you will get assistance in that matter.

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